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Here's some fun because I love these characters


-Being absolutely obsessed with the song 'WAP' 

-Never gets sick

-Stans pole dancer accounts on Instagram

-Is straight up gay, no fluctuations

-Will never wake up before 11 am, unless a necessary class is only available before then

-Spends way too much time on social media

-Went through a goth phase as a teen. His parents hated it and were so happy he grew out of it by the time he was 16

-Had his first sexual encounter/relationship at 18 with a 28 year old guy

-The first person he came out to was his only sibling: his older sister

-Somehow survives on sugary drinks only


-Hates philosophy and dislikes most social sciences

-Is a cat person

-Not a movie person but secretly loves sappy romances

-Harry is his first best friend ever so Vik would literally risk his own life for him

-Used to get bullied terribly in middle school for being skinny and brown

-Wakes up when the sun is rising no matter what, even if he was up to 3am that night

-Always the one to kill the bug in the room that has Harry and/or Simon cowering in the corner

-Is the middle child of a younger and older brother

-Doesn't make his bed. Ever

-Wants to travel the world more while he's still young


-Talks to himself out loud when no one is around

-Actually knows how to iron and steam clothes (and how to commit tax evasion. Shhhhh)

-Is very much bisexual

-Still misses his dead childhood pet dog 'Chili'

-Is very stingy about who he tips at restaurants

-Thinks snakes are really cool

-Has a guaranteed job out of college because of his dad's connections

-Speed demon on the road. Honestly he's so lucky he's never crashed because there have been a couple of close calls

-Is an only child

-Would steal alcohol from his mother's liquor cabinet before sneaking off with friends. She would always excuse it as 'kids being kids' before his dad found out and disciplined him

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