Dryads, Aurae, Naiads and Lampades

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I wasn't exactly sure what's the appropriate way to react when you stumble upon someone using magic. Especially since the person didn't look like a usual magic user. 

The person who played with water had long hair, split blue and pink. I couldn't get a clear view of their face but they wore a sea foam coloured dress with flower print. The person next to them also looked somewhat strange, they had black hair like me, but weren't the one using magic. They wore hunter's gear and their ears seemed... elongated?

✽✽✽ 3rd Person POV ✽✽✽

The couple that Blair had seen continued laughing and chatting, the water manipulator had water while the black haired one had tea. They didn't notice Blair at first but he took another step, the wet grass making a small noise. The black haired boy looked up.

"Who's there?" The boy was not necessarily trying to be threatening, but the rapier at his side gave him a slightly threatening aura.

Blair stuttered as the black haired boy stood up, rapier at his side. The smaller person stood up and put a hand on the black haired boy's shoulder.

"It's just a kid. Now put that sword back down, you're going to scare them." The person's voice was melodic and calm. 

Blair flushed, she's really pretty! he thought.

"Are you lost?" they asked.

Blair was up to this person's shoulder and was at the black haired one's waist. He silently cursed how small he was. Blair was curious about these two now. The elongated ears hinted at one of them not being human and the other somehow had multicoloured hair, despite being able to use magic. If someone had magic they couldn't even put dyes in their hair because of how dark it is.

"Um, miss? How were you able to use magic and move the water into shapes?" Blair asked. He acted as childishly as he could since he really wanted to know.

"Ah so I see humans haven't changed still." The person laughed. "Firstly, it's not miss, its mister. Secondly, I'm not human so that's how I can do that without hair and eyes like yours."

✽✽✽ Blair's POV ✽✽✽

Ah. Well that's a whole bunch of revelations. The person that I thought was a pretty lady was actually just a very pretty guy and also, people who weren't human existed. I didn't know that. Wait wait wait.

I turned my gaze to the taller man. I had heard stories but did that mean that he was an elf? The man noticed his gaze and chuckled. He probably knew what I was thinking.

"Wait, wait. So he's an elf obviously. What are you?" I asked the smaller person.

"Well I am something called a naiad. I'm a type of nymph. A water nymph." 

"What's a nymph?"

The person looked surprised, "Well you get magic from them. Ah! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Addison and this is Basil." They pointed to the elf.

I nodded before finally introducing myself, "My name is Blair."

"Oh!" The 'naiad,' Addison looked even more surprised. "The dryads mentioned you! You somehow got into the wrong body." 

As the boy chuckled again, I stared at him confused. How did he know? Addison seemed to notice my confusion.

"A dryad is essentially an earth nymph. They are in charge of plants and stuff and they also happen to be connected to you." Addison grinned. "Well at least the you that was originally here. You seem to be the same person but still not from here. That's so cool!"

I stared at the 'naiad' confused. How could he know this? Like it should be impossible?

"How do I know you aren't lying?" I asked cautiously. 

Addison chuckled, "I thought saying that would make you believe me. How else should I show you?"

I wasn't sure what would make me believe him, honestly I was pretty convinced but just didn't want to admit it. I was about to say something but the elf, Basil if I remember correctly, spoke up.

"Well we could briefly stop the waterfall?" He asked cautiously.

Addison looked nervous for a second before his smile returned as he gently looked at Basil. Basil looked a bit more nervous, I wonder why. Addison patted Basil on the head though it looked a bit silly with the height difference.

"It's fine. I won't die as long as you return it to it's original state quickly." Addison gave Basil a quick kiss on the cheek and Basil started running up to the top of the waterfall.

"What's he doing?"

"Well y'see, all nymphs' life source is connected to something in nature. I am specifically connected to this waterfall." Addison stated, matter of factly. "Naiads are specifcally connected to water. So the second this is cut off I'll probably collapse, if I stop breathing for a second, it's fine."

I stared in shock. This person just essentially said they were playing with death?! They were insane! 

"Wait wait! Y-you don't have to do th-" I shouted before Addison suddenly collapsed and the sound of the waterfall stopped.

Basil waved down, "Do you believe us now?"

"Yes! Yes! J-just get the waterfall flowing again!" I panicked.

I cautiously reached my hand towards Addison. Shit is he dead? Dear lord. I've never seen a corpse today but I guess today is a day of firsts.

✽✽✽ 3rd Person POV ✽✽✽

Basil pushed the boulders he had used to stop the waterfall, off to the side. He quickly jumped down and rushed to Addison's side after to make sure he was fine. Addison coughed and let out a laugh. He got well surprisingly quick.

"D-do you do this often?" Blair asked. He was honestly a bit surprised at A: how quick Addison got better and B: how quickly they returned back to their peaceful picnic.

"Sometimes. There was a drought a while back and I nearly lost my love." Basil leaned on Addison's shoulder who responded by gently patting Basil on the head.

Blair stared awkwardly for a minute before Addison spoke up.

"If you keep going straight and then turn a left at the belladonna bushes, you'll know which one, and then never turn again you'll get to the exit." He smiled with a wave.

Blair nodded and ran off, using Addison's directions.

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