Illusion - Zolm

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(Requested by myself, I kinda have a small crush (more like a huge one) and I wanted to start on writing for this fandom and this specific character because there are only about 4 fanfics where Zolm the leader of the Hassansins is the main character and I think that's not really fair since he's a pretty good character.
(Reader is there when Zolm dies. Except that there's a twist. When Dastan uses the dagger, the reader still remembers. I don't know how this would work canon wise, but since  I need this for the plot in my mind there are other artifacts like the dagger that when you touch it you still remember, for example a ring or a necklace. Anyways let's get on with the story.)

Dastan was nearly there. The walls were slowly beginning to crumble down, pilars collapsing onto one another. Tamina being right behind.

Suddenly he saw a dark figure jump out from within the shadows, sword
clutched in left hand. It was the Hassansin. Zolm.

(Y/n's POV)

"Why couldn't it have been....I dont know, anything else. Instead I'm inside this dark creepy looking cave. I mean all caves are creepy, but this one for sure takes the cake."

Dastan and Tamina had gone right ahead while you were distracted and  you ended up getting lost.

The corridors were lit with torches. Interesting markings covered most of the walls. This time you made sure to pay attention as to not get lost again.

And it worked, a few seconds later you heard a high pitched scream echoing.

It was Tamina, no doubt about it.  Dastan can't scream like that. Can he?

Not a moment was wasted. You ran like hell. Your lungs felt like they were on fire, and your legs definitely weren't any better, it felt like you were about to fall down at any second.

But you couldn't, not now. What If they were in trouble. They needed help.

(Dastan's POV)

Unfortunately Dastan did not have any opportunity to recover.

In one swift moment both the Hassansin and The Prince were fighting against eachother.

In one moment that ended. His own sword had impaled his stomach. Still, a snake bearing it's fangs began to emerge from his right long sleeve. Ready to attack. Tamina reached the slithery creature and raised it to it's master.

Dastan managed to push the Hassansin off of him. As he began to fall you quickly ran out. Grabbing him tight you struggled as he wasn't light as a feather. Yet, you still somehow managed to pull him back up.

You carefully layed his head on your lap. Gently caressing his right cheek, trying to whisper words of comfort. Yet, they had come out as a mere whispers.

More and more of the cave began to fall down. None of that mattered, you couldn't leave him behind.

You suddenly rose up. Your eyes were groggy and you also had a headache. Your back also didn't feel too great.

Wiping your eyes when you realized how familiar the room was. It looked exactly like

It couldn't be, right?

You immediately ran out, you hadn't even changed. You had to see.

Everything seemed to be the same still. Many of the people stopping to greet you. Including a few who weren't training. Giving a quick apology you continued to your destination.

Would he be there?

When the room where the Hassansins trained appeared, you slowly made your way inside, you had never been the religious type, but at this moment you prayed for him to be there.

Your eyes scanned the room. Walking over to one of the balconies to get a better view. You were starting to lose hope.

When suddenly you heard it. His voice. He sounded calm.

Not another minute was spared, you ran down the stairs. A few  Hassansins training had been handling very sharp throwing knifes, but as soon as they saw you they immediately stopped.

One sheepishly apologizing for nearly hitting you while another, who looked slightly older at his side gave him a smack on the head for his carelessness. For even if the smallest of scratches were to be caused Zolm would surely be upset

You slowly began to walk to him. He still had the scars on his face, except for the ones caused by his own snake.
When you were close enough your hands clenched his robes tightly. Tears starting to form in your eyes. His expression was now a worried one.

His gaze turned away from my direction as he gave an order of leave to the others in the room.

The Hassansins bowed respectfully towards their leader and one by one left the room.

"Are you alright?" He stood there with an eyebrow quirked upwards.

Your hands clenching his robes tightly. Tears starting to form in your eyes. His expression was now a worried one.

"I'm sorry, I had a nightmare." Shaking your head you softly muttered.

Everything was fine, he was safe.

(A\N): I've had this in drafts for months and I finally decided publish it, I haven't edited, I was supposed to do it about two weeks ago but I've been having trouble with wattpad so I'm leaving it like this for the time being. I hope you enjoyed!!!

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