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Jack POV

"She's a friend from a long ago." The girl, Violet I believe, said to us. She Pushed her hair behind her ear and looked at Elsa again. "I haven't seen her in forever. I thought she died or turned into a zombie." She looked up at all of us. "Why is she passed out? What happened?'

"Rogues." Hiccup spoke.

"Was it the Guardians?"

"Y-yeah." Everyone gave her a strange look. "How would you know?"

"They're the local Rogues around here. It might sound weird but the parts behind the walls have some kind of organization. Or I guess you can say that." She sighed. "It's more like a territorial thing though."

"Whatever." Astrid bud in. "I'm still wondering why they had to be brung with us."

"Because I said so." I replied in a stern voice.

"That doesn't justify a thing." She turns to us and gives her usual glare. "We don't need anymore people. Two people from this group has already died; we don't need anymore of our people dying."

"Whoever said we were gonna die." I snapped back at her. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Jack, we aren't some super hero's of justice! We can't save everyone!" She pointed behind her, at the road in front of us. "We are in the apocalypse! We need to save ourselves."

"What if everyone thought like that!?" I began to become irritated. Not with her, but with her words. They were true. We can't save everyone... but... "You think everyone can save themselves!? Some are weak, some aren't so smart when it comes to surviving, some are terrified! You're heartless if you thi-"

"Jack, stop yelling." Everyone froze when Elsa's mouth suddenly spoke words again. We all stared at her lifeless body as the eyelids of that body opened and searched the room.

"Elsa," I could hear the breathless but relief tone of my voice when she stopped her blue eyes on me. "Thank god."

"Ye okay, there?" Merida leaned over to her, placing a hand on her head. That's one thing Merida had that Astrid didn't: compassion. Astrid was more about getting what she wanted no matter what. "Ye were out fer sume time."

"Yea," Elsa nodded at her, putting on a small, but very nerve easing, smile. "I could hear you guys. I just couldn't move. I think I was in a comma..." She thought about what she said with a glance at my face. "Sounds stupid and strange but that's what it seemed to be." Every minute she was talking the more of her body moved.

"Whatever." I think I can feel my eyes watering. "Your speaking and healthy and alive. That's all that matters." Everyone seemed to smile once again.

Everyone always forgets how much Elsa can calm the nerves. Though we argue all the time, even when she's around, we don't argue as much with her there. She has a effect, an aura around her that calms you down and makes you want to smile or sing almost. Even Astrid and Merida can come to seemingly good terms if Elsa steps in and speaks to them with her lovely voice.

She doesn't know it herself though.

"Elsa," Violet, the girl we all forgot was there, spoke up. Elsa tried to lift herself but was struggling with her arms being weak, so I took hold of her shoulder, held her up close to my shoulder and let her lay there. "It's me, Violet."

Land Of The Dead (❄The Big Five❄) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now