Chapter 2 - Can ya stay?

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My mom grabbed a guitar and started singing her favourite song.

After what seemed like hours, we were finally allowed to leave the bunker, finally i could get away from those boys. I walked towards the room where everyone seemed to be and I heard a few things, "This one has a daughter!" "Well she ain't ugly!"

I decide walk into the room to see who was talking and I see the three boys. Great. It's now dark outside so their parents offer for us to stay the night when my mom starts going on about her breakup, how she has no house, how sad she is, basically her whole life story.

I decide to go outside to see if the tornado destroyed anything in their back yard. I open the door to see a tree fallen over dangerously close to what looks like an old farmhouse. I quite like this home. I'm joined by the boy who looks the youngest and claims to be Dylan. He says, "Hey, can ya stay the night? Want a tour too?"
I nod my head and he begins to show me the farmhouse, the horses, then he leads me back inside and shows me the house. The house is really pretty. He shows me to my room and leaves me alone.

I pull out my phone to see that it's dead. I go to Tuck's room and knock, he doesn't answer so i open the door to see him making out with a girl. I immediately slam the door and run to Dylan's room. He them asks why I look so panicked and have to explain that i needed a charger so i went to ask him but he was making out with someone.
I begin to think i got him in trouble though as Dylan's face begins to become angry. "If he has a girl round he is supposed to lock the door and tell dad so people know not to go in his room." Dylan says. He leaves his room and drags me to mine, going downstairs to probably tell their dad.

I go back to my room and close the door. About three seconds later someone knocks and i open it to see Tuck. He starts apologising and begins saying he is really sorry and he thought his door was locked. I say, "It's okay! I shouldn't have opened the door without u saying i could."

I close the door when he asks, "Since ur mom has an amazing voice, does that mean u do? Cos if so, will ya join our band?"

Im so confused. Yes I can sing, and apparently very well. But I'm not telling that to a random sixteen year old boy that I don't even know. So I just say the first thing that I think of, "No I used to but I stopped and now i can't sing without sounding like a cat being dragged down the highway."
He giggles slightly as we stare into each others' eyes.

I begin to realise he has beautiful green eyes that glow in the light. We are quickly disturbed by Dylan coughing whilst holding a charger. I thank him and go to charge my phone. "So that's why ya came in me room?" I nod my head and say,

"Well I'm gonna get ready for bed now so can ya please leave?" He nods and walks out the room. I start thinking about the moment him and I had. But I quickly realise he must have a girlfriend if he's making out with someone.

Do I like Tuck?

A/N - Hi guys! Hope u like this chapter! If yall could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
baii x 😄🖤

Word Count - 625

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