Chapter 10

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Over the course of the next few days, I got some hate on twitter. It was mostly because I was with the One Direction boys, and the fans did not like that at all. Also, my feelings for Harry were getting the best of me. I was really starting to like him, but I doubt he would ever like a girl like me. I was depressed, suicidal, and just messed up. Nothing in my life was okay. I struggle everyday with my weight, scars, and just my appearance over all. 

Harry has really made me feel like a princess. He takes care of me all the time, he makes sure I'm content, and he makes sure I'm safe. My mind always wonders to the possibility of him liking me, but I know that it will never be possible. 

"Hey, Diana, whatcha up to?" Harry asks, once he enters our hotel room. It was three in the afternoon, and the boys had just come back from an interview. 

"Oh, just thinking," I vaguely reply.

"Diana," Harry starts, "please don't close yourself off to us. I really wanna reach out for you, I want to break these walls that you put up all of these years. You can't close yourself off now. We have been doing so great over the course of the past month. What happened in the past few days that made you close yourself off again?" I really didn't want to make Harry worry about me, I also didn't want him to think that I'm weak because I get hate. I bet he deals with it much worse than I do, but it's just hard for me.

"I guess you're right Harry. I've just been getting some hate on Twitter, and I guess it's just making me a bit upset. I know you probably deal with it a lot worse than I do, bu-"

"No, Diana. You don't deserve to get hate at all. If anything, people are just jealous because you're so amazing, and they wish they could be you," Harry says.


"No buts. I have an idea. Lets go out for ice cream, so go get ready." 


"Oh my God, Harry!" I laugh as Harry gets some ice cream on his nose. He looked confused for a second, but then he started laughing like an idiot. He then proceeded to get some ice cream on my nose and we just looked like idiots. 

"Let's take a selfie," he says, and I agree. He gets out his IPhone, and quickly snaps a picture. 

"That is so going on Twitter," he chuckles, uploading it. I take out my Iphone and look at the picture, and it is really cute. I scroll through the comments, and a lot of them were really nice and sweet. There was the occasional hate here and there, but I could care less. I was spending the day with the boy who saved my life.

On the walk back to the hotel, Harry and I talk a lot about the tour and America. He also informs me that we will be going to my hometown in North Carolina, since they do have to perform there.

"I have a question," Harry starts, and I nod, letting him know to keep going. "Would you have counted that as a date?" My breath catches in my throat, and I look at him. He's blushing furiously, and I can feel my cheeks flaming up.

"I guess I do," I say, smiling.

"So that means I can do this?" He gives me no time to answer as he leans in, puts his arms around my waist, and sets his plump lips on mine. The kiss felt amazing. I felt as if there were fireworks, my mind was about to explode. I was falling for him. And fast. And that terrified me because who knows what is going to be ahead.

After we pull apart. I'm smiling like an idiot. "I guess that does mean you can kiss me," I smirk. 

"Well come here for a round two."

And so I did. 

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