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Harry's vision is a little bit blurry. Like when it's raining and you're driving, and the windscreen wipers are moving as fast as they can but it's still not good enough.

The type of blurry that when you squint, all the lights seem to get a bit brighter and the rest of the world appears to look darker.

"Let's go!" Freezy yells. "Another round!"

"Let's go!" Vikk mimics, and he thrusts his first into the air as he downs another shot.

Harry's mouth feels dry, his tongue like worn out sandpaper, heavy in his mouth. He takes the shot anyway, and wipes his lips with the back of his hand.

It was really hard to lift the cup. They've been using the mugs they always use when they drink tea or coffee for convenience, but also because Tobi didn't want to buy real shot glasses, since they were unreasonably expensive and because "We already have cups! Why spend more money?"

But anyway, Harry's hand felt like his wrist was going to eventually fall off and detach from his arm, and that his hand was going to drop to the ground and roll around like a snake. It didn't make him feel very confident.

They did a couple more shots, and Harry was left feeling more dizzy. He trips over his feet as he makes his way to the couch. He doesn't know who he is propped up against when he finally sits.

"Bog! Can you believe that my song is in the charts?" Jj asks excitedly, nudging Harry with his shoulder to catch his attention.

"Huh?" He says.

"Oh yeah." He rubbed his neck.

"It's not that impressive. Your songs are always in the charts." Harry points out.

"I know." Jj laughs maniacally. "But it's the first time for a solo track. No features, just me! Isn't that so sick?" He takes a swig of the strawberry daiquiri he has in his hand.

"Don't you think?" He asks again when Harry doesn't reply.

"Yeah," He gives Jj a one shouldered shrug. "I don't really know, I guess It's cool, yeah." He wrinkles his nose, a frown pulling his face down.

Maybe if he went and drank some more he'd feel better.

"Yeah, congrats Jide." He gets up unsteadily.

"Don't drink too much." Jj warns him. "I don't wanna be the one to carry you to bed."

Harry waves with his hand as he walks away, not looking back. He misses the crease between Jj's eyebrows.

It's wobbly trying to walk. He couldn't eat that much during Jj's 'celebratory dinner', but he shouldn't feel guilty because that meant Jj got to save money.

And since he didn't eat much, he should get drunk faster right? Then he'd feel light instead of heavy. Nobody noticed at dinner anyway, they were too busy talking and laughing, and just having a good time to notice Harry.

He manages to stumble into Simon, the older man's arms and encasing him immediately.

"Yo, watch were you're going." Simon tells him fondly. "You better not be going for another drink, Bogger. You look gone already."

"I'm not drunk!" Harry insists over the loud music. "I don't feel happy yet, I need to drink some more"

Simon frowns. "You're not happy yet?" He says carefully, watching Harry's face.

"Nah." He shakes his head. "I'm supposed to be happy right? Why do I feel sad?" He pouts and rests his forehead against Simon's shoulder. "Why do I feel ten times worse?"

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