The interview

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5 months later-Trafalgar square,London

I have been invited to an interview! The letter I received was brief, only staring to go and that I had Been "spotted". I arrived at a shabby hotel. Thoughts flooded my mind, doubt overwhelming me! I stared in dismay what the hell is this place?

I entered and was immediately walked to the back of the hotel where their was one solitary room. I entered the room where I was hit by a fierce wall of smoke. I tried to see around the room in the dim light. Then in front of me I saw him hazel brown hair tumbling down in small ringlets uniting with his pale, sleek face.

He summoned me to sit down, I did as he commanded for fear of his reprisal. "Miss Inayat Khan now before we go any further with this interview as you are aware we are at war with Germany. I have to ask you to sign the official secrets act. anything that is said In this room goes no further."

I was in a shock of dismay, the official secrets act what was I there for? He handed me the papers and I read through them, eventually signing them.

"Now with the formalities out the way I can tell you why you have been asked to come here. I am Selwyn Jepson; recruiter for Secret operation Executive F section. Now I would like to offer you the chance to be specially employed within our service. You do not have to give me an awnser now, however I do need a reply." His voice was so soft.

"You must be aware mr Jepson that once this war is over, I will continue fighting for India's independence. I also do not believe in lying, I am a sulphie." I replied to him making him well aware of my terms.

"You see Miss Inayat Khan your talents were spotted by the air ministry. I don't have the slightest doubt about you. You are already trained in wireless and fluently speak French." He was adamant he wanted me!

"What does my fluent French have to do with it? Incase you have been living in a cave women are not allowed to fight, so I do not see why I would be sent to another country." I replied in icy tone.

"I'm afraid that is for me to know and you to find out. I urge you to take this offer, it is something you would regret if not. I'm afraid I have a meeting so must cut this short, but am looking forward to hearing from you."

"I will replying in good time sir, but till then goodbye".

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