Chapter I

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"Let a couple years water down how I'm feeling about you "


Liv rolled over and adjusted her boyfriends arm as she stretched across the side table for her phone. A text had come through and she expected it to be her mother or her best friend Iris but to her surprise and slight dismay, it was her ex boyfriend, Joshua Bassett. "What the fuck" Liv mumbled as she sat up sharply knocking the man in her bed's arm off accidentally. She'd forgotten all about her current boyfriend, Nathaniel Gray.  Actors, guess she has a type. "What ? Sorry didn't hear you babe" Nate says snapping Liv back to reality. "Um, nothing just my mom sending me some horrifying news headline link" she said through a nervous laugh. Lie. A couple days ago she bumped into someone she thought she never wanted to see again, granted she knew she'd have to see him again at work and by work that means playing his love interest on a hit young adult drama .

"One sec baby, I uh, need something to uh, drink" she flashed a faint smile before turning and dropping it completely.  Why is this bothering me ? She thought as she got to the fridge and mindlessly scanned its contents "I shouldn't care about his stupid ass" she said under her breath while nodding vigorously as if trying to convince herself she does not still care for the boy but the nodding dwindled down to a still. Not convinced and she knows it. Liv turns and closes the fridge. "I thought you were getting a drink" she hears before seeing her boyfriend standing right where the fridge door was, she jumped a little. Nate raises his eyebrow but proceeds to walk past her to the other side of the kitchen. "Oh yeah the drink, guess I forgot you know I can be spacey"

The piercing green eyed man scans his petite girlfriend up and down suspiciously for a minute before opening his arms engulfing her into his chest, he pecks her forehead "Yeah I heard, Oblivia right ?" Livs eyes darted up. Was that shade ? But when she saw his face, it was soft. Oh, he doesn't know what it means, Thank God. To let you in on that inside joke, Olivia tends to be a bit spaced out in her thoughts sometimes so it was the nickname given to her by her cast, mostly by Josh as loving banter. Banter, she thought. Josh and her would banter all day. It was the most natural thing, slinging loving insults back and forth, singing, writing, harmonising, teaching each other songs on the piano and watching their favourite movies together to hone their acting skills even more. Never has someone understood her as a person the way Josh did . Don't get her wrong, Nate was a really good guy- kind and caring and an excellent listener everything a good boyfriend should be, right ? Liv acknowledged that and in the beginning it seemed good enough but something was missing, that burning sensation, that passion, the spark, zing .. whatever you want to call it, was missing .

Deep down Liv knew that, but it wasn't until two days ago when she bumped into Josh that she came to terms with the fact. How did she know you ask ? Well the second she locked eyes with the curly haired brown eyed boy it felt like fireworks went off in her entire body.

"Olivia ? Is ..Is that you?"


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