chapter 6

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In the underworld

Sirzechs: How is it possible that my spies keep losing him? His address in the school database keep changing locations.

Grayfia: he must have planted some bug in the school database so that no one could know his address.

Sirzechs: maybe, but I'm really getting desperate the rating game is tomorrow and if we don't find him by then, we won't be able to ask for his help to free Rias.

Grayfia: You said that all the spies keep loosing him no matter where he goes, even when they have him cornered at a spot, he still disappears.

Sirzechs: Correct, my spies said that he always goes to a dead end and just disappear.

Grayfia: what if he uses a clone that he can just kill off anytime he needed.

Sirzechs: They should be able to tell if they are following the real deal or not.

Grayfia: *sigh* I hope that we can find and ask him before the rating games.

The next day, end of school hours

Yuki: so you and the Gang are going to the underworld to watch Rias's rating game?

Sona: yes.

Yuki: That sucks and I just got JLSC and GvK and MK for us and the gang to watch tonight.

Sona: maybe some other day babe, now behave while I'm gone for a while Yuki-kun.

Yuki: wait you gonna be there too for the party in case she either wins or lose right.

Sona: Yup, but I will be able to comeback here before either of those start.

Yuki: Great, tell me who wins.

Sona: I will, goodbye for now Yuki-kun.

Yuki:see ya soon Sona you too guys.

The SC: See you soon Yuki/Emiya/Bro.

Sona and her peerage then teleported to the underworld

Time skip to Yuki's house

Yuki: OK I'm definitely sure they are gonna lose,and Riser will challenge me after the wedding, so I might as well plan my entrance, but first.

Yuki creates a golden card

Yuki: Caster Card Install

Yuki: Caster Card Install

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(He is wearing that)

Yuki: alright King Solomon you have the highest ranking Clairvoyance, now let's start looking ahead in time.

The next day back at the Student Council Room, again at the end of the day

Yuki: So they lost.

Sona: yeah, they almost beat Riser tho.

Yuki: Bummer, and to think they got so close.

Tsubaki: If only Hyoudo wasn't used as a human shield by riser then Rias could have taken him out.

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