Reborn Part 1

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Francois's POV

My eyes opened in a flash. For a second I couldn't remember why I was here, who I was, or really anything. Suddenly, it all came back to me in a flash of coulor and thought. But right now, middle aged man, who looked like he was swallowing a onion, hovered over me. I remembered that he was the one that made me faint in the first place. I resisted the urge to reach out with my hand and strangle him to death.

"What do you want?" I growled at him

"Well that's no way to treat a relative, is it?"

I was stunned. 'How could I be related to that?!' I wondered.

"What do you mean?" I demanded.

"What part did you miss?" I said that I was a relative. "What else is there to it?"

He made me sound stupid. I hated him even more for that.

"In which way are you my relative?"

"The both of us share a mother."

I was stunned, shocked, speechless. "Did you know my mother? Do you know where she is? Tell me!!"

"Whoa, slow down there Francis. Don't need to jump like that."

This guy was really starting to get under my skin. With a fluid movement, I rolled out of my bed, got on my feet, and fastened my left hand around his throat. He seemed unconcerned.

"I'm going to ask you this only once", I hissed. "Did you know my mother, or not?"

"Well, that tells me what you actually took out from this conversation. I've only said it around 5 times already."

I decided to give up. This guy was impossible anyway. I sat back into the mattress of my bed, looking down at my feet.

"Why can't you just give-". My sentence died in my throat. The man was no longer there.

Rosemary's POV

Don't you hate decisions? I do. I kind of got lost and now, I see a fork in the road and a sign in the middle. Left arrow says soccer field, and the right arrow says gymnasium. So being the logical person that I am, I turn back. I sigh to myself.

I feel sorry for what I said to Thantanos. But still, he can be so dense. Sure, maybe I took him by surprise just a tiny bit. Maybe it's my fault I got a shower courtesy of Italy. For the record, I don't think I've ever barfed on anyone, even though sometimes I feel like it. I'm so lost in my own thoughts, I don't notice somebody that's lying on the ground. I trip over this foolish person. I hit the ground hard. "Watch it!" I hiss at the boy."Idi-"

He looks up. The words got stuck in my throat. I recognised that face.



Thantanos's POV

Groggily, I open my eyes. Then they grow wings and fly open. Above me, red lights are flashing on a carved wooden roof. I'm in the ROM. But how is that possible? I was just eating spaghetti in a weird juvi where for some reason everybody liked(which wasn't that bad). Then I looked beside me. 8 feet away, I see Rosemary's body spread-eagled, like she fainted. Francois was nowhere in sight though. Slowly, I get up off the floor. The hallway I was running through with Rosemary was filled with people. This was that very same hallway. Except now it was completely deserted. Slowly, I get up. FREEZE!!! Suddenly, I'll surrounded by a police squadron. "HANDS IN THE AIR!!! NOW!!!

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