Chapter Six

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I obviously had a lot to think about when it comes to how I'm handling Castiel's death and the feelings that I've been fighting for Lucifer. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of the sweet tea Jody got me hooked on. It's the perfect balance of sweetness to the bitter taste of the brewed tea. Thinking over everything that happened recently and today, my mind rested on the fact that I've become so weak that I'm basically human again. Do I want to have the ability to do basically anything back? I rarely used those powers to begin with, only when it was desperately needed for the most part. I could still do small things like moving small items, open and closing doors and drawers, project my thoughts and read other thoughts if their mind is open. It all made me rethink how my life was before I was changed into an accidental celestial being. How I longed for that life back.

"Bug," Sam interrupted my thoughts as he softly spoke my nickname. I turned to face him as I took a sip of my tea. "So, I've decided to go ahead and move in with Dean."

I smiled and nodded which made Sam rush over to me with his hands out. "But that's only if you're positive about this. Are you certain this is what you want?"

Of course, I don't want my brothers to leave me but we're all grown adults here. I knew I couldn't live with them forever; they do have their own lives to live.

"I'm good, Sam, I promise."

"Deans not convinced. I can't say that I am either. Angie, it's me, you know you don't have to be afraid to tell me what you really want."

I looked up into my brother's hazel eyes. They sparkled as they stared down at me. I smiled and hugged him around his waist, squeezing him tightly.

"I want you two to go start that business. I want Dean to work on rebuilding and repairing cars. I want you carving out a room in that house to turn it into a weight room with all of those exercise machines that you drive me crazy with. I want you guys to live your lives the way you talked about when we would sit at that ice cream stand talking about life."

He pulled me tighter against him, his strong arms squeezing the air from my lungs. I tapped on his back and gasped for air. "Air. Sammy. Air." I struggled to say. He chuckled but released me.

"I see the smile hasn't faded." Dean said making his presence known. I turned to find him and Lucifer standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"She swears she's ok with it." Sam shrugged.

Dean eyed me suspiciously and I knew he was trying to read me the way he used to when he thought I was lying to him. He narrowed his eyes at me and shoved his hands in his pockets as he breathed out a deep sigh.

"Ok." He smiled.

I couldn't help the way Lucifer was trying so hard to refrain from smiling.

"Do you guys need help moving things? We can load stuff into the back of my truck and make as many trips as we need to." I offered. Dean was already smiling at my offering which told me he was going to ask me to use my truck either way.

"I rented a trailer, do you think you could handle pulling a trailer behind that beast of a truck of yours?" He grinned. I laughed at the audacity of him implying that I couldn't handle my truck.

"Are you seriously second guessing me?" I asked as I dramatically put my hands on my hips.

"Oh, dear God. Here we go." Sam rolled his eyes and walked towards the living room. "Come on, these two are going to be fighting over who's more manly than the other." He grabbed Lucifer's arm and pulled him along with him, surprising both Lucifer and I.

I watched as Lucifer followed Sam through the living room and down the hallway in awe of how easy that just looked.

"He's worked hard to win us over, Ange." Dean observed my shock. When my attention was back on him, he looked down at the floor and continued. "When Cas...When everything happened, he was there. He fought to be there for you when you pushed us all away. He showed up all the time, randomly, just to check on you. He bugged the hell out of Sammy and I, that's why we ended up getting him a cell phone, so he wasn't just popping in on us at any given moment." The thought made me chuckle at Lucifer just showing up unannounced in one of their rooms.

He glanced up at me and found me watching him talk, listening to what he was saying. Running his hands through his hair told me he was uneasy with what he was thinking about. I waited for him to decide on whether he would continue with his thoughts or let them go. To my surprise, he continued.

"If things were different...If the past was different...If he wasn't who he is..." He was struggling with his words. I could tell it was hard for him to voice what he was about to say. I crossed the kitchen and placed my hand on one of his arms to assure him that he didn't have to continue. He looked down at me and swallowed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again.

"He's proven that he's changed. Many times, over. Though Sam and I will still have our reservations about him, we see that he's changed."

Trying to lighten the mood, I playfully shoved his shoulder and said, "Since when is Dean Winchester so emotional?"

"Since this family has literally gone to hell and back. We've lost so much. You've lost so much." He said the last part quietly as he averted his eyes. I pulled him in for a hug as I noticed Sam and Lucifer walking back through the living room with boxes. "All I'm saying, Ange, if you have feelings for Lucifer, we won't be the ones to stop you from seeing if things could work between you guys."

As he spoke those words Lucifer locked eyes with mine, I believe he was just as shocked to hear that coming from Dean as I was.

"Uh, sorry to break up the brother-sister moment but, I'm not carrying all of your stuff to the trailer, Dean."

We broke our embrace and I looked at Sam in shock. "You have the trailer already?"

"Yeah, that's where we had just got back from when we walked in." Sam answered.

I looked at Dean with a raised eyebrow. "Something you want to tell me?" I asked in amusement.

"Uh, yeah, I borrowed your truck." Dean confessed with raised shoulders and a hunched neck causing me to laugh at how ridiculous he looked.

"There better not be any scratches on her." I declared as I walked through the living room towards the boys' rooms to help carry boxes out."

As I was walking away, I heard Lucifer ask, "Why does this family give their vehicles a gender?"

I closed my eyes and laughed as I shook my head at the thought of having to teach him certain things like we taught Castiel. This was either going to be happily amusing or a complete disaster. 

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