Day One

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The next day Taehyung woke up to a heavy feeling on his chest. He peeked one eye only to see a mop of orange hair invading his vision. "morning Tae Tae, how are you feeling?" Jimin chimed to which Tae just groaned, it was way too early for him to deal with an overexcited Jimin. "Morning Chim, can you get off me I can't breathe" Tae groaned out to which Jimin just smiled before moving off from laying on Taehyung to sitting next to him. There was silence for a few seconds and if it wasn't for the dip on the mattress to the side of him he would've thought Jimin had let him go back to sleep. "so...How are you feeling Tae? Jin Hyung told us yesterday that the college nurse sent you home because you weren't feeling well" Jimin asked worry laced in his voice. "I-" Taehyung started pausing briefly as he recalled what happened yesterday. "I'm fine, Just the flu" He lied smiling weakly at the end. "awe Tae" Jimin went and hugged Taehyung before he left his side. "I'm going to go make us breakfast okay? probably shower up you stink"Jimin joked playfully as he walked out of the bedroom. Taehyung just lifelessly got up and headed towards the bathroom. He turned on the shower after stripping out of his clothes and stepped inside. The bathroom was filled with steam. letting out a heavy sigh, Taehyung leaned against the wall staring out into the steamy room letting the tears stream down his face as the reality of his situation sunk in. He slowly slid down the wall until he was sat on the floor with his head on his knees sobbing. "I-I don't wanna die" Taehyung quietly sobbed. The only sound coming out of the bathroom was the sound of the water running. After a few minutes, Taehyung calmed down a bit and finally stood up and quickly finished his shower.

Turning off the water Taehyung stepped out of the shower and threw on a white t-shirt with a baggy blue hoodie and black skinny jeans before leaving the bathroom with the towel in his hand drying his hair as he walked sluggishly towards the kitchen. He made his way towards the table and slumped down on one of the chairs. "Here you go Taehyungie" Jimin chimed as he placed down a plate of pancakes with strawberries and syrup in front of him. "Thanks, Jiminie" Tae smiled weakly before tucking into his pancakes slowly. "Hey Chim," Taehyung spoke up after a minute of silence. Jimin hummed in response. "what are you up to today?" Taehyung asked. Jimin looked up from his own plate before answering. "Got lectures all day and an exam last period. why?" Jimin explained a bit curious as to why Taehyung was asking. Tae just nodded in response. "oh, just wondered that's all" Taehyung smiled. "ah, well I best be off Tae, I called in sick for you don't worry, I'll see ya later bye" Jimin waved as he left the table and exited their apartment. Taehyung let out a long sigh before finishing what was left of his breakfast.

Once he had finished his breakfast Taehyung sluggishly made his way back to his bedroom to retrieve his phone. He unlocked his phone and started to scroll through his contacts mindlessly until he stopped on one of his contacts. EOMMA💜. His mother, she deserves to know right? Taehyung chuckled bitterly to himself. Yes, his mother should know that her only son is going to die in a week. No better yet he is dying and can't be cured. Letting out a small sigh, he wiped away the tears that had fallen before pressing the phone button and calling his mum. It rang a few times before his mother picked up. "Hey, my Tae Tae, how have you been? you rarely phone me" His mother chimed through the phone happy that her son had called her. Their relationship isn't that strong and they're not really close. It's only the two of them as his father passed away when he was little so Taehyung knew that telling his mum would break her and all he could do was feel sorry and upset about it. "Hey Eomma, can we meet up today for lunch?" Taehyung asked. He couldn't tell her over the phone so unexpectantly. He had to see her at least one more time even if they are close or not, it wouldn't feel right to tell her like this. "Sure my Tae, Is everything okay? Aren't you meant to be at college?" His mother asked worry in her voice. "Yeah but I really need to see you Eomma, I have to tell you something important and it has to be in person and it's more important than college" Taehyung explained holding back a sob. "Okay Tae Tae, I'll meet you at that little cafe by the shopping centre ate one. Are you sure you are okay as you are worrying me" Tae's mother arranged worry still evident in her voice. "I- I'll explain everything at lunch Eomma" Tae spoke out not wanting to worry her. "see you soon" Tae's mother soothed through the phone before ending the call. Taehyung let out a long sigh before his emotions got the better of him and he ended up crying.

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