Day Six: Our Last Memories

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The next day Taehyung woke up to the sounds of rain hitting the tent he was asleep in. Strange Taehyung thought as he remembered falling asleep outside by the fire. Someone must've put him in his tent. Whoever did he was grateful too because it's much better than waking up in the rain. Taehyung pulled himself up and looked around the tent only to hold his head in pain. His head was throbbing at every single sound, even the sound of the rain however soft it was, was hurting his head. Taehyung just brushed it off as migraines. Taehyung just sat there for a moment with his eyes closed just listening to the rain despite how much his head hurt. The rain would've lulled him back to sleep if he didn't hear movement outside. Deciding to see who it was, Taehyung got up and put his coat and shoes on before getting out of the tent to see Namjoon outside of his tent walking about picking up the litter that lay around on the floor from last night before noticing Taehyung stood by his tent looking at him. "Morning Taehyung, how are you feeling?" Namjoon asked to which Taehyung just gave a soft smile in acknowledgement before replying. "I'm feeling fine at the moment" Taehyung breathed out. "But Hyung what should we do? it's raining" Taehyung spoke up confusion in his voice. "well we could explore the woods together, build a den and play in the stream you found yesterday but in the daylight this time" Namjoon chuckled which caused Taehyung to smile. "I like the sound of all three of those options" Taehyung replied to which he heard a voice from behind him which made him jump a little out of not expecting anyone to be awake yet. "what three options?" Yoongi asked to which Namjoon told him the same 3 options that he had told Taehyung. "Yeah, that sounds like so much fun!" Jimin had piped up and skipped up to Taehyung and hugged him whilst he was in such a hyper mood. They heard someone clap their hands which caused them all to turn around and see Jin there with a smile on his face. "right let's pack some food up in a bag and get going then" Jin said as he went to the car with a back to pack some food and water as well as a first aid kit just in case anything happened to anyone.

"right now that everyone is up and ready let's go explore the woods for a bit," Jin said starting to take the lead with Taehyung by his side. The others followed suit with excitement overflowing from them. It felt like a family field trip. Taehyung couldn't help but feel a little sad that he was going to leave them when tomorrow was over. He was going to miss this, Miss everyone and he didn't want them to be hurt by his death, by his absence but there was nothing he could do. Did he fear dying? Was he scared to die? Taehyung thought not. He wasn't scared, he had accepted his fate days ago. He was just saddened by who he'll be leaving behind but he hoped to be reunited with them in their next lives and hoped that in that life he would get to grow old with them. 

They were walking through the woods and Taehyung was just admiring the beauty as well as enjoying listening to his friends laugh and joke with each other. Everything, this moment everything was just absolutely beautiful. Taehyung felt happy and at peace for the first time in a while. For the first time since his diagnosis. They had finally reached the stream where Taehyung had passed out last night and only now did Taehyung notice how far he had gone for firewood but the stream still looked as beautiful in the morning light as it did last night in the setting sun. Taehyung smiled as he piped up. "let's build the den!" He heard the guys get excited and soon they were collecting sticks and branches as well as leaves to make the den, Taehyung was on leaf collecting duties. He was also in charge of covering the den with leaves to create the roof.

A few hours had passed and it was reaching about 1 pm, the den was finally finished and the guys all cramped themselves under it and took a selfie with Taehyung's polaroid camera. Taehyung smiled as he took the picture from the camera and looked at it before placing it safely in his jacket pocket before removing the jacket and placing it softly in the den before running over to the stream and getting in with the others catching on and following suit.

A few hours had passed, the rain had been long gone and the sun was now setting. The guys had been slashing around in the stream for hours and having fun with each other that they didn't notice that Taehyung had been taking pictures discreetly with them and he had captured the beauty on his last days with them.  

They finally got out of the stream and started to make their way back to the campsite. Once they reached the campsite, Hoseok ran to get the fire started whilst Jin went to get food and the recourses needed to cook tonight's meal. Taehyung went back into his tent to change into some dry clothes. He decided that since he would be sleeping after food and talking with the guys, he would change into his pyjamas.

After changing Taehyung grabbed a blanket and picked up his polaroid again before leaving his tent and sitting down by the fire with the boys and just simply taking a picture of them chatting and having fun around the fire with Taehyung joining in on the meaningless yet memorable conversations and inside jokes. They also talked about all the fun they had in the past and their memories with each other. Taehyung rallied everyone up to take a group picture on his polaroid camera. He took the picture and put it in his pocket. They all bid each other goodnight before they all went into their tents and fell asleep. Well Taehyung couldn't sleep. He was rather restless, Tonight was the last time he would sleep and wake up again, tomorrow was his last day on earth. His body was feeling heavier and heavier as the days went on but tonight, Tonight was the worst he ever felt. He couldn't move, all he could do was sit and stare at the ceiling until his eyes closed and his body finally settled into night.

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