|Chapter 4|

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Qrow was in the elevator tapping his foot multiple times he was worried, scared and ofcourse concerned and it was his first time to feel for another kid but that kid was long dead "Come on can this go any faster?!" He ask in anger but the elevator stop at his destination "Finally!" He said as he entered the office "Oh Qrow! It's odd for you to come here..!" Winter said seemed displeased "Yeah whatever! So what's with this guys?" Qrow ask just wanting to talk to Ozpin. Meanwhile Ozpin was staring at Winter and Tai "Look my kid got a complaint that someone cheated in this academy and you still let him in!" Tai said "It seems unfair for you to do so!" Winter said sighing "You know very well he needs to be expelled!" She said clenching her nose tightly "It's just a transcript!" Ozpin said holding in his anger "And it is illegal! Ozpin you have no idea that your reputation for this damn faker will ruined your academy!" Qrow was pissed 'Reputation? Fuck off Winter!' He thought as Ozpin holding in his breathe and slowly stared at Winter "I assure you that I can see potential in him! A transcript does not effect on my school! I prefer to see there character than a transcript!" Ozpin said drinking his hot chocolate as Qrow stood next to Ozpin "Why are you standing next to him?" Winter ask but Qrow just growled at her.

Until few students goes up on the elevator "Oh come on!" Qrow complain but there is only three which Weiss, Pyrrha and lastly Yang. Qrow sigh "What now?" Pyrrha spoke first "Prof. Ozpin! Please you have to kick Jaune out from beacon...The students had been..complaining...!" Pyrrha said as everyone stared at Ozpin, Ozpin would panic by the stares he'll get but Qrow patted his shoulder [You know what I'm going to do? Yes!] Ozpin sigh in relief "Well we can talk to Mr. Jaune right...Now..!" He seemed dissapointed but Qrow sigh wanting to deny but a portal was open "Oh for fuck sake!" Qrow said "This office is to crowded as fuck!" Ozpin looks at him with a stern look 'Will you please stop cussing...!' He thought in annoyance "Oh? Did I interrupted something?" Raven ask "Yeah a damn right this place is crowded by idiots!" Qrow shouted "Hey were not idiots!" Weiss shouted "Shut up Princess brat!" He said as Ozpin sigh but Qrow accidentally drop a the container and Raven pick it up and her eyes was filled with fear "Q-Qrow..?" Raven ask in worry "Wha--Oh shit..!" He check his pocket but when he saw that the container was on her hands and Ozpin has pure sadness in his eyes "Is that..Qrow were you on drugs?!" Tai shouted but Qrow facepalm "No i did not I maybe a guy who drinks! But I ain't going to take that shit! I was going to talk to Ozpin about it but you guys came here!" Qrow said sighing at least Ozpin sigh in relief "Thank goodness..!" Winter said but she looks at pills "Are those Happy Pills?" Winter ask "Yep it's says it right here..!" Raven give it to Winter, Winter frown "This drugs were banned in Atlas for a reason people been taking this quite often but when few effects began it was now illegal to atlas but that man left with no trace...at least it was one if anyone took more than one bottle I don't know what would happen...!" Everyone sigh in relief as Raven left but Qrow, Qrow was not happy "Shit..!" He said "I'm going to get the kid..!" The three students seemed to be happy a little bit "But how did you find it?" Winter ask as Qrow looks at her "Remember that kid that cheated his way in yeah..and THAT was his last one!" He left and Ozpin panic he immediately got up and goes with Qrow Pyrrha silently followed.

At the roof...earlier..

Jaune was just sitting there he does not feel boredom, sadness or even happiness at all until a bird landed on his roof Jaune took notice and grab the bird the bird kept chirping in fear and discomfort but what he did next was brutal. Jaune twisted the bird's neck making it not moving or breathing, crushing it's bones and teared the bird apart letting the blood spilled all over the boy's clothing but he didn't stop there Jaune's sleeves were reap cuz he continues to cut himself letting the blood drip and drip slowly but surely he felt like his dying but he didn't feel sadness or anger but he drew something on the floor with words like "Happy" or adding a smiley face he didn't bother to be proud for his creations cuz he feel for it either...!

As Qrow and Ozpin opens the door they were in fear and shock Qrow just left him, he left him to suffer as Ozpin he was in fear and shock "Jaune...?" Ozpin ask as the boy slowly looks at Ozpin he was confused on why is he here "Hello?" His voice...His voice was cold and childish as for Pyrrha when she entered the disaster she covered her mouth what she felt before thinking that she put damage on him was enough but she broke him...No...everyone broke him...they thought he was nothing, weak and helpless but they broke the last window Ozpin goes forward seeing scars and blood all over the broken child "Jaune are you..." he knows his not okay...Jaune couldn't say any word as Qrow clench his fist "Damn If I was here I would've teach those kids a lesson or two...!" As Ozpin was the first who felt guilty "I don't think this was the child I let him in...I think they...they broke his will to live...and those pills...he must've felt bad for us..I..I.." Ozpin calm him down by hugging him "It's not your fault..!" Pyrrha was shock first time seeing this "And you...!" Qrow stood up "You did this...You could've help him but you cared about YOUR damn reputation and YOUR damn heroic deeds!" He was pissed "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ON WHAT YOU DID?!" Qrow shouted in anger at the woman "Sir...I can--" she was slap by the man "And I don't care about Ruby anymore I thought you all knew better than this..! Damn well we are wrong to teach you.." He look away and goes near to the boy "We need to take him to the hospital quickly!" Ozpin said later at the hospital Ozpin was worried and sick as Qrow kept going back and forth somehow there more like parents than being teachers.

The Arc family and Jaune's friends, entered the hospital "Is he okay?!" The mother ask as Ozpin just growled as Qrow wanted to punch her "Excuse me! His my son so please ans--" but Ozpin snap "Your son? Your son?! What kind of father would disowned there kid and now you think his your son?!" Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren were shock by his actions "Look it was a mistake--" but Ozpin continued "A mistake?! A fucking damn mistake?! Do you have any idea what happen to him?! No don't ask that! Your mistake nearly cost his damn life!" Qrow tried to calm him down "Ozpin calm down your making--" but Ozpin ignored "No Qrow I am not letting this strangers touching the child! I'm tired of standing and knowing that the kids entered in my school getting  injured or getting killed!" Qrow sigh knowing he cannot control his anger but he had to do it besides his angry too not his parents but the students "Uncle Qrow..?" Ruby was going to touch his hand but he back away "You know what--You students are banned from that academy and you all no longer becoming a huntsmen or a huntress!" The student were shock and shattered for losing there dreams..."Now how does it feel that your dreams were crush by me...and that's how he feels! He has friends and family on his side but you all don't do a damn thing about it!" They were in shock and guilty for what they did "Prof. Ozpin please let me speak!" But he denied "No! Mr. Arc I won't let you speak NONE OF YOU will not speak I already decided for me to be retired and letting Prof. Goodwitch of becoming  a headmistress in Beacon!" They were in shock again "Excuse me from all the argument are any of you a family of this boy?" Mr. Arc was going to say "No but only me and Ozpin were the ones who found him in this state and this are not his friends or his family that's all!" Ruby was shock and angry "Uncle Qrow--" but Qrow spoke "It's Mr. Qrow to you young lady!" Ruby was in tears by then as Ozpin and Qrow entered the room were Jaune was "Hey Jaune..!" Jaune looks at them with a confuse look and question.

"Who are you...?"

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