|Chapter 5|

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"Who are you?" He ask for Ozpin he was now worried and afraid he tried to speak but no words could come out "Were your friends.. kid are you okay?" He ask as Jaune shrugs "I don't know..! But may I ask!" Ozpin sat on the chair nearby "Sure kid!" "Who are those people?" Qrow looks at Jaune's parents. His mother was filled with guilt and horror into his eyes "My baby...!" Ozpin scoff but he hold his anger, he does not want anymore drama for Jaune to see while his Father had nothing to say "Ozpin please..." but Qrow took out his weapon and pointed at them "Come here again and I'll make sure to reap your limbs one by one..!" He threatened the two gulp and left the room. Later after talking to the doctor "I'm sorry sir but there is no cure for returning to his normal state he is....hard to heal by any means..." the Doctor said as Ozpin sigh "Is there anything I mean anything that could return his emotions!" The doctor smiled "Yes a few teachings of his emotions should do the trick but take some patience.." she said as Ozpin sigh in relief so did Qrow when they left the office to see no one next to Jaune's room was here Qrow immediately entered the room to see only Jaune drawing on the paper "Hey Kid..!" He said with a smile Jaune look up confuse as Qrow sat next to the broken child "What are drawing?" Jaune look down not knowing what his drawing "This." He said which made Qrow sigh.

The drawing was not a happy color but it was his friends standing, just standing with there faces erase so did his family except the face of Qrow and Ozpin with a smile which he thinks there a good person.

Jaune didn't smile ofcourse he couldn't smile because the lack of emotions made him not to smile or feel what needed to feel. Qrow frown seeing the boy he thought he can try to save at least once, this was his first time encountering a child with no emotions, no memories, and no knowledge on what happen to him as for Ozpin he sigh wanting this feeling to be over, he encountered one child who is broken but not to broken in his dark years but then Jaune was also the broken child, but the child was already broken, the glass on the floor were shattered and there is no way for him to pick up those pieces but he can get a new glass in a word he can give Jaune a new life with him and Qrow if he wanted to. Ozpin smile he sigh as he entered the room and they began to talk.

Ozpin has been packing his things to go with Qrow, Qrow knows a place for him and Jaune to be in, no noise pf cars and people to hear which made Ozpin smile at least a peaceful time for him and Jaune the new headmistress of the school was proud for her promotion and thanking Ozpin for it as well. Time goes on living in a new home, having a new life and being with the persom he truly believe he cared for and this was the day were Jaune felt the emotion Happiness but the true feeling of happiness was written all over his face Qrow was happy to see Jaune with a smile on his face a true smile on his face the good thing for Qrow is that he stop drinking so he wouldn't put a stress on Ozpin's shoulder for Ozpin he had been tired of standing and reading some papers but he does like to read and help children which is Jaune and some new students in a normal school he really does like helping broken children's. Jaune began to feel sadness, anger not to angry, happiness and all he was proud of himself to feel although he does not remember his friends or his true family his mind had no memories of them but Ozpin and Qrow never told him the truth about why he had no emotions, on why he had no friends, and why he had no family but what Ozpin said the child "We are you family Jaune...don't forget that...!" Ozpin smiled and hug the boy and Jaune also hug back....

Now for Ruby and his friends what story can this book can say well Ruby Rose was sad and full of guilt for doing this or those awful things she did with her first friend at Beacon and she also cried that her dreams were now broken. Yang was grounded for Ozpin told Tai about Yang, what she did and what destruction she made and Tai wasn't happy she ground her or made her do normal things as Yang in her room alone in the dark feel nothing but guilt and anger. Weiss was at her home working as a girl behind a table talking to the customers on what they need but she felt strings were attach on her and she felt nothing but grief of her stupidity and selfish act. Blake she was back to her family, she was happy and had nothing wrong in her life as Ozpin was okay of her family to visit Jaune and Jaune was actually had memories of her slightly mostly good ones as Blake also help Jaune to understand things of her life and the other Faunus' and she was proud that she'd help Jaune for once. Pyrrha she was now working at the bakery store, she was not happy that she had lost her dream, she wanted to be the huntress but was broke by hurting the person's dreams and she had no life to be happy for it. Ren and Nora were okay for not being hunters or huntress because there life was better, the two confess there feelings with each other now there dating and a few kisses on one hand or the other Blake and Jaune would tease them if they were like married and think if they wanted kids which Ren wanted to but he knows there not ready not yet at least.

Besides life has ways for others to have some endings and there life has now change and they are no longer having horrible times well some had but thank you for reading and this is the end of the story of a "Broken Child". Thank You and goodbye.


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