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You were at complete loss for words. You didn't know whether to scream, cry or laugh, but, you did neither and just stayed silent for what seemed like forever. 

The doctor noticed your shocked expression and felt bad for the news he just broke to you. Tears started to flood your eyes and you wondered what had happened for you to go into a coma for almost a whole week.

"I know it's some hard-hitting news-."

"What happened?" you interrupted him.

He started to check your blood pressure whilst telling you, "you were in a dance class on Saturday night. Do you remember that?" Hesitantly, you nodded, briefly remembering the intense class with Hoseok. "Good. During that class, you collapsed and knocked yourself out by hitting your head on the floor." That was one thing you couldn't remember at all and it had all become a massive blur. "The cause of you passing out was because of dehydration and lack of glucose and you went into a coma because of the incident with your head."

"W-When can I get up?"

"Well, if you follow our treatment for you, you could definitely go home by this afternoon," he nods and you sighed in relief. He passes you a bottle of water and you take it before thanking him. "And...we are aware about your parents, so we got an offer from someone else to look after you today, since you'll be quite fragile for a few hours."

Your parents passed away from a deadly car crash three years ago. It made you grow more and more independent and they had left you a lot of money, which is why you were able to move into your own apartment so soon.

"Oh, is it my friend, Mai?"

He frowned slightly and shook his head, "no, it's a young man named Jung Hoseok. You know him, yes?"

Wait. What? Why would your dance teacher want to look after you and he doesn't know you personally? You found it strange, but, you didn't mind since you definitely had a small crush on him.

You nod your head, "yes, I know him."

After half an hour of drinking masses of water, eating fruits and a few sugar-coated sweets to keep your glucose levels up and balanced, you started to feel tired again. It was still really early in the morning, and so you closed your eyes before falling asleep.


As soon as Hoseok woke up, he rushed to drive to the hospital after getting a phone call informing him that you were now awake. He didn't know why he wanted to get so involved with you, or why he felt so upset about the thought of you in a coma. He didn't want to think about feelings just yet. He wanted to wait until you were completely better to figure out how he really felt about you.

Once he was outside your room, he hesitantly pushed down the door handle and was welcomed with you sitting up in bed and eating whilst talking to your phone.

Your eyes trailed up to his figure and you nervously smiled, making him return a bright grin.

"Hey, Mai, I'll give you a call back later," you softly say and Hoseok couldn't help but feel so happy to hear your voice.

You placed your phone flat on the small table above your knees as you suddenly got nervous being around Hoseok.

The atmosphere was quiet, but not awkward. It felt comfortable.

"Y/N," he almost whispered, making you smile. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't shit scared about you this whole time. How could you be so ignorant towards your health? You of all people should know how I feel about my dancers overworking to a certain point. It's not good for you."

You felt guilty as you nodded, "It was just...the determination in your eyes every time you watched us do your choreography. It made me feel like I could do much better-."

"Much better? I've already told you that you're my favourite student, Y/N. Every time I watch you dance, it makes me so proud because you're one of those people who pushes themselves to be better than they were in the previous class. I admire you for that and I know you'll come a long way," he says to you, walking closer to the bed. "But, you have to look after yourself. You had me so worried that I was going to...lose you."

Tears had automatically welled in your eyes at what he had said to you. It made your 'crush' on him turn into something bigger. You were starting to develop real feelings for him and you were scared about where it was going to lead you.

"I'm sorry...It won't happen again."




Hoseok had stayed with you until the hospital let you leave. Partly because he was driving you back home, but also because he wanted to stay and keep you company. The both of you ended up getting to know each other more and cracking jokes here and there. You learned that he has such a bright aura, which is why he always believes in every single dancer he teaches. Even though he's strict and tough, he's definitely positive about the outcome.

"Nice place," you heard him say, after entering your apartment.

"Thanks," you giggled. "Uhm, I'm going to go take a shower, if you don't mind?"

"Of course, go ahead!"

"Okay, you can make yourself at home. Mi casa es tu casa!"

He chuckled and nodded before you made your way towards your bedroom, picking out some comfy clothes and charging your phone. Whilst you were having your shower, you couldn't but think about Hoseok.

The way he would scold you in the nicest way possible. The way he would smile at you whilst you're talking. The way he would laugh at the jokes you made. The way he makes your heart pound whenever he's closer to you. What you were feeling was new to you, so, you had no clue what to do.

After getting out of the shower and getting changed, you walked to the living room. Hoseok was watching a drama on Netflix that you had started a couple of weeks ago. You smiled and made your way over, sitting next to him on the sofa.

"I'm hungry," you said. "You want something to eat? I can make ramen."

He nods and smiles, "I'll help you."

"No, no, you're the guest! You stay seated and-."

"Nonsense. I'm here to look after you in the first place, Y/N," he scoffs, standing up and suddenly grabbing your hand, taking you both towards the kitchen.

You showed him where everything was before he forced you to sit down at the counter top. As you watched him cook for you with his back turned away from you, another genuine smile played on your lips.

It was almost as if he was your...boyfriend.

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