Chapter six. The fight.

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By Jason, flashback

And this evening his advice proved to be very useful. Max and I went together to the supper, which traditionally took place in the huge dining room in the Goldstone tower. Usually all teachers and students ate together at precisely the same time. Everyone could choose what he wanted, and only Firesteels had the strict caloric diets, prohibiting most sweets and cookies.

“Tonight the King and the rest of the royal family are dining with us.” Max said, automatically checking first his, then my uniform – silver-white armor and red linen cloaks, almost like Spartans, except that we wore trousers instead of skirts. “Look! There is Vadim with some Dragonwoods and Prince Camille. Well… Better find another way or wait a little longer.” “Some Dragonwoods” meant precisely only Rosaline Dragonwood, a blonde giggling girl, very pretty and stylish.

“Straight forward! That’s an order, soldier!” I commanded and rushed forward at the same time the royal company headed toward us. We met each other face to face on the main marble staircase, they went down and we went up. The high white walls were decorated with tall golden columns, colorful banners and flags were hanging between them, the spoils of different wars with orcs, trolls and giants. “There are just horns and hooves!” I frowned disapprovingly and said “One day I am going to hang the head of Dortrall – the orc’s main chieftain, who hides with his clans in the mountains right near the Portal. Will you help me with it? Hey, Max!” But my companion hadn’t been listening to me. It looked like he would gladly meet all Dortrall’s clan instead of one Rosaline. “Don’t be afraid of Rosa, Max!” I whispered pretty seriously, “You are under my protection!”

But he didn’t understand my joke at all, looking at Rosaline like a fair-curled angel from the sky – blue-eyed and gentle, almost like himself. Hmmm. Those two, Rosa and Max, looked amazingly alike, like brother and sister with the only difference being that his skin was a little bit darker and she wore magnificent blue dress that matched her eyes.

“Looks, like Vadim has taken your place, the best cadet of Firesteel should be the bodyguard of the prince.” Max whispered, barely moving his lips, he was unable to move away his eyes from Rosaline’s flirtatious smile. Oh, man! She was looking and smiling at me! Oh no! Not that! I didn’t want anything from this beautiful, but thoughtless, predictable, constantly giggling and ogling beast stalking me after trainings and fights. Nevertheless I smiled back at her as pleasantly as I could, silently thinking to myself. Thank goodness, that every Firesteel can give the vow of celibacy and devote his life to the duty and service! I smiled again, this time even more pleasantly. Well, I have not marry you, Rosaline. I never marry! Then I suddenly remembered that Max had just told me something and was, no doubt, waiting for my reply.

“Better Vadim than me. I certainly wouldn’t be able to stand, and would probably end up strangling that little spoiled stupid filthy…”

“My Prince,” Max politely bowed and at the same time, stepped on my foot, the most effective way to silence me. I immediately saluted to everybody and no one in particular, hitting my left shoulder by the fist of my right hand. “Nice to meet your Highness during such a pleasant evening!”

“Can’t say the same about you, servant’s son!” He replied angrily

“Your Highness”. My eyes immediately moved from Rosa, who was the youngest daughter of our most powerful sorcerer, perhaps, that’s why she was appointed the personal magician of Prince Camille, to her little brother. There stood a boy of thirteen, with long slightly strawberry blond hair and amazing emerald-green eyes framed by the longest lashes I had ever seen. The child wore rich golden garments and could be easily mistaken for a wingless angel if only his good-looking face wasn’t contorted with rage. He frowned and turned to me. “Jason, answer me! Is it true, that you have exchanged Phillip the Arrow from your squad for this?” Prince Camille rudely pointed with a gentle little finger to Max. “Do you know, how much I have bet on you in the nearest relay? You cannot lose!”

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