Chapter 5:

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*5 months later*

*Emily's POV*

"Love the dress Em, really fits you"

"Oh thank you Tina, love yours"

"Thanks Em"

"Em, it smells like sweat up in here, why did you drag me to this place"

"Uh I didn't, you decided to yourself"

"Shh, I know I know, but I wanna make it seem like I'm not alone up in the business, Santana Lopez and alone don't belong in the same sentence"

"Uh Kay, well you're my date huh?"


"Okay, wanna dance?"

Without warning she grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the corner of the room. She grabbed my shoulders and spun me around.

"I don't think this is how you dance"

"New dance moves are very popular here"

"But this is just spinning"

"The Santana and Emily way"

"Okay, well uh that was nauseating"

"Watch for my dress"

"Hey guys," Quinn walked over and stood next to Emily. *I accidentally switched to Santana's POV whoops*

"She's my date Quinn"

"Uh okay well I actually needed to talk to Emily about something"

"No!" They both turned and looked at me weird. *Accidentally switched POVs whoops*

"Um no way would let you miss what important thing Quinn has to tell you"

They nodded and walked away. Grand, just grand. I followed them just to make sure they don't pull any funny business. I watched as they laughed, smiled, blushed, wait blushed? Oh hell no. I walked over to intervene but they ran down the hall. Not getting away with my girl Fabrey, I ran after them and watched them walk into the janitors closet. I knocked on the door and Emily opened it.

"What Santana?"

"I have something to tell you"

"Can it wait like 30 minutes?"

"No Emily, now"


"I love you"

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