chapter 19

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*next day*

i woke up, Alice next to me snoring like always. she's very cute when she snore's. i got up, i was in boxers and walked to the bathroom. i looked up at my face, dark circles around my eyes, hair all over. i ran my hand through my hair, it felt like i haven't showered in years. so i turned on the water, i got a towel and took off my boxers. i stepped into the shower and started to enjoy the hot shower.

once i got out, i dried my hair and put the towel around my waist. i walked out and Alice was still asleep, i smiled and walked to the closet and opened it. i got out some black skinny jeans and one of my bands shirt, i got socks and underwear and put them on. as i got done i went downstairs, i got out some orange juice and popped toast.

i heard someone come down, i look and Alice in a large tee, hair looking like she teased it, came in while rubbing her eyes. she came up to me and hugged me, "good morning babe" i said "morning" she said back in a tired voice. she backed up as my toast came out, she took a slice and walked to the table. she sat down while i got my slice and sat down across from her, "im going to take you out" i said. she looked at me and shook her head, "why?" "i don't know.. just don't want anything fancy" "did i say it was going to be fancy?" i asked and she looked at me. i smiled then said "to a club!" she then sat up, "im only 18 and you're 20 how?" she asked. i smirked, "i know people" i said, "who?" "Ash" she started to laugh. i laughed a little and finished my drink and toast, i got up to put the cup in the sink. i felt hands slide on me, "i love you" i heard Alice say. i smile and said "i love you too" i then turned around and looked at her, her eyes sparkled in the sun. i leaned down to her and locked our lips together, i then pulled her up to we were almost leveled with each other. i then spun around and placed her on the counter top, she kept kissing until i backed up smiled, kissed her again and walked out. i heard her laugh,"Andy!!! just gonna leave me here?!" "yes!" i said and heard her laugh even more.

*later that day*

we were getting ready to go to the club, she wore a black short dress and vans, her hair up, and makeup. i just stayed in my clothes, as she walked out i just stared at her. she was stunning, she looked at me then asked "is it to much?" i shook my head, "nope, just perfect" i said and walked up to her. i hugged her then started to kits her, we then heard a car honk. we look out the window to see Ash car outside, we walk down hand in hand and out to the car.

when we got there it was almost dark, it was only 7 at night. we walked with Ash to the front and he greets these two big guys, he does some handshake and we all walk in. Alice squeezed my hand, "its okay i got you" i said and guided her. we went to a booth and we sat down, Ash went to find some girls to dance with. "I'll be back" i told her, she looked at me in confusion then nodded. i got up and made my way through the crowd to the bar, i got some shots and mixed drinks to send to us.

when i was walking through the crowd someone grabbed me, i looked and saw a young girl. she looked younger than Alice and she started to dance on me, i pushed her away and started to make my way to Alice. i sat down and Alice was looking nervous, i held her hand and whispered in her ear "its fine love" i looked at her and smiled. she smiled after awhile and then a girl who was about 23 came up with our drinks and set them down. she looked at me and i shrugged and took down the shot. i looked at her, and pointed to her shot. she then picked it up and took it, she took that better than me.we started to laugh and started to drink our mixed drink. we got two more, i couldn't drink mine so Alice took it. she then had to go to the bathroom, so she walked away into the crowd.

it took her 20 minutes, and she hasn't come back. i started to get worried, so i got her stuff and walked into the crowd. i then saw her being taken to the back forced by some guy, i started to pick up my pace.

*Alice pov*

i was really drunk, and i had to pee. so i told Andy and went to the bathroom, it took me some time because i kept tripping. when i was coming out some guy walked up to me, he grabbed me. "come with me babe" he said and winked at me, i scoffed and tried to walk away. but he grabbed my arm, "get your ass here" he said and pulled me into him. he then tighten his grip on me and started to drag me to the back door, "i have a boyfriend!" i yelled. but he kept pulling, we were out the back in an alley way. it was dark but a street light lit it up a bit, and he started to pull me to the back. i started to pull on my arm, i then kicked him and he let go. but got me as i was about to reach the door, i started to scream. "ANDY!!! SOMEONE! PLEASE!!!" i kept screaming, he then put me down and i slapped him. he then looked at me and frowned, he growled and slapped me 10 times harder. i screamed at the impact, "you bitch!" i spat in my face. i then noticed he wasn't there, instead he was on the ground with a very angry Andy on him. "you piece of shit! don't touch my girlfriend!" he said while punching the life out of him, Andy then got up and started to kick him. the guy was coughing up blood as Andy kept kicking him, i then heard people. and a girl screaming, that made Andy stop and look back. a couple were at the end of the alley and saw everything, someone was on the phone. Andy then grabbed me and started to walk out of the alley, we walked past the couple as they backed up in fear. i had tears running down mg face, Andy knew that but he didn't want to get caught. we then saw lights and looked back, we saw two cop cars and we took off. Andy then went down another alley way and hid behind a dumpster, as the cops went by we got out to see. they were gone and we started to walk again, "were going to a motel for tonight" he said. i couldn't answer, i was scared to. Andy looked very drunk, i was scared he would hurt me.

as we got to the motel and Andy got a room, we walked in and i went to the bathroom. i locked my door and looked at myself, i had makeup all over my face. i took water and started to splash it on my face, i then walked out and saw Andy on the bed. i hesitated to sit, but i did but by the pillows."Alice. please don't be scared" he said, i still didn't answer. i felt tears roll down my cheeks, "i would never hurt you.. i.. i love you Alice... i could never bring myself to it" he said and looked at me. he was crying, his face was puffy and eyes were burning red. i looked into his eyes, he was hurting. i then moved to him and hugged him, he hugged me back tightly. i still couldn't say anything, i then got up and took off my dress and got into bed. Andy did the same and laid next to me, he pulled me into him. he kissed my forehead and we fell asleep.

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