Chapter 6

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(The song attached this chapter is 'touch' by troye sivan.)

When the two boys reached the top of the staircase, Louis inhaled the building's familiar scent. He had often come here as a child and was reminded of when he was younger and had thought his parents were the most loving and compassionate people alive. That had changed drastically hadn't it.

Louis continued to lead Harry towards one of the rooms on the right of the corridor, aware that it had a huge double bed waiting to be used. Harry seemed quite confused yet content, peering around the room in awe, he clearly wasn't used to such royal attire. Louis envied that about him.

The two boys clattered through the door of the room, locking their lips and stumbling over to the double bed. Harry was already tugging at Louis' shirt, grinding into the shorter boy in desperation.

"Lou, Lou hurry baby." Fuck. He just called him baby. Louis yanked Harry's tie from his neck, throwing it into the corner before leaving a trail of kisses along the curly boy's jawline and down to his neck where he planted a lovebite.

As he did this, Harry ran his hands through Louis' hair, moaning softly at every little touch. He hadn't slept with anyone for so long and the most simple of touches made him come un-done. Louis pulled Harry's shirt off completely and continued to kiss down his chest, stopping when he noticed something.

"You've got four nipples!" Louis laughed, staring up at the taller lad.

"Yeah. Now shut up, I want to fuck you." Harry was clearly embarrassed.

The older boy made his way down to Harry's zipper, pulling it down and dropping to his knees, eager to see more of this beautiful boy. "Stop. You have all your clothes on. Not fair!" Harry whined, demanding that Louis took off some of his own clothes.

He sighed and shrugged of his blazer, followed by his shirt and then went back to work on Harry's trousers, hoping that Harry was happy now. "Fuck Louis, you look so hot." He moaned, the bulge in his boxers rising, "I'll get them off. On the bed now."

Harry batted Louis' tiny hand away and carried on pulling his jeans off, followed by his boxers, Louis doing the same.

When Harry turned to face him, Louis' jaw dropped. Harry was huge, bigger than average. He could bet that wasn't even its full size, it was only half hard. "Get in me now. Stretched myself earlier. Knew I was gonna get fucked."

"God Louis you're such a slut. Prince of England begging to be fucked up the ass." Harry lathered his cock in lube and slipped on a condom from his pocket before he brought his lips to Louis' ear, "3, 2, 1."

Louis moaned in pleasure and a hint of pain, Harry really was huge. He had never felt this way, so content, so full. Never been fucked by such a beautiful man. On his birthday as well. Louis couldn't imagine a better birthday present. "L-lemme touch. Please lemme touch Harry."

Harry nodded, moaning loudly as he watched Louis tug his own cock until he came onto his stomach, chest and sheets. The curly boy was soon after, coming into the condom and pulling his cock gently from Louis' hole.

"This room has an ensuite. I'll get some tissue to wipe off." Louis said quietly before leaving the room, feeling Harry's eyes staring at his naked ass.

He had never felt luckier. It was his 17th birthday and he'd managed to have sex with a completely gorgeous guy and completely dodge his homophobic parents without anyone else telling them. Louis would be lying if he said that he had never had a wet dream involving a guy who looked a tiny bit like Harry. He just hoped he would get his number and see him again. Yes, he had homophobic surroundings, but he could work something out with him.

Once he had wiped the come from his chest, he entered the main bedroom. Harry was nowhere to be seen but had left a note on the bed. 'Duty calls. Thanks for the money. Here's my number for future business.'

Harry was a prostitute.

He had completely screwed Louis over to get a few quid out of him. It only made Louis want to ring his number even more. There was a slight hesitation though, so he just kept the note in his pocket.

The pocket that he had put £500 in earlier. Harry had some guts, he could give him that. He had just happened to fuck with the prince and future king of England, never had Louis felt so grateful for his level of authority.

He was going to find this boy.

He had to find this boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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