Question and Answer~ Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader (FLUFF)

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Summary: Garcia gets Reader to answer some questions about their feelings for Spencer.
Warnings: Non 🥰
Word count: 1.8k
When Penelope Garcia got you alone in her office she lovingly called her'bat cave' and said she wanted to 'talk' there was no escaping it. 'Talking' with her usually meant she was going to bombard you with questions, usually linked to some gossip she heard from someone.
It was usually Morgan that fed her curiosity. He was somehow able to be up to date on everything and everyone. A result of that was that Garcia always got to hear the latest thing he had heard. Once Garcia was interested in whatever your answer to the gossip might be, she was without a doubt going to ask.
That's where you found yourself on one of the slowest work days in recent memory. It had been so slow in fact, that you had been almost about to leave early since you had finished your paperwork. That was until Garcia had called your name in a singsong tone, grasped your elbow delicately with her painted nails, and gently nudged you to come talk with her in the 'bat cave'.
"Penelope- I really want to go home. Can't this wait another day?" Your groan perhaps was a bit pathetic as you sat down in a chair, but it had been the first time seemingly in years that you had the chance to go home early. A nap sounded really nice right now and even though you loved Garcia, that was more exciting at the moment.
"Fine fine, yes I'll let you go soon, quit your bellyaching. And, to answer your other question, no, it can't wait," She plopped down into her chair, tapped on her keyboard a few times to close out some files, and then focused all her attention on you, "Just quickly answer my questions- Wait, no! Actually, let's play a game!"
Another groan, perhaps even more pathetic than the first came out of your chest, while you also let yourself slump down in your chair. Thoughts of your bed danced in your head trying to pull you into a daydream about the nap you had been planning on taking. You then tried as best as you could to keep your focus trained on her for as long as possible. If you were able to focus; it would get done faster.
"Oh hush it's a quick game that'll have you out of here faster." You perked up at that, now suddenly invested in the game that was supposedly going to get you out of here quick.
"Alright- I'll do it if it gets me out of here quickly."
She beamed at you for a second, then grabbing one of her decorative pens and a stack of sticky notes. Rapidly she wrote down a list that you tried to peek and see, but she hid the stack with her free hand once she saw you trying to look. Once she had finished she pushed up her glasses a bit, before outlying the rules of the 'game', "I want you to answer my rapid fire questions and answer without thinking! It's supposed to give the most truthful answer from what I read on the website."
Truthfully, it sounded silly to you, but if it got this interrogation over quick you didn't mind playing the game. Plus whenever Garcia gave you time to answer she watched whatever your body language was and used that against you to get more information out. She had picked up on how we did our job as profilers over the years. It had become almost as instinctive to her as it was to us whenever we read behavior. Any conversation we had was screaming non verbal behavioral tells at us; it was almost impossible to turn off. So with less time in between questions and answers, it would be harder for her to analyze your movements. Garcia could honestly probably take the classes to become a profiler just as JJ had done, but everyone knew her place was in front of her screen. That was where she worked her best magic.
As soon as you nodded your head, agreeing to start the game, the questions were dropped on you at a rapid pace. The questions had started out simple enough, to get you ready for whatever bombshell question she no doubt had coming. The whole goal of the game was to catch you off guard so you'd answer as honestly as possible.
"What's better coffee or tea?" She still hadn't dropped the bomb and asked the question that had the only useful answer to her.
These questions were easy and you were getting comfortable. Each time another question went by the lingering reminder in the back of your head trying to warn you to be on edge slowly slipped away. Mindlessly you answered her without thought, "Coffee."
"Who's your favorite superhero?"
"Batman." That answer might have been biased, when you really thought hard about it. You changed your answer when you realized you chose Batman because you were in Garcia's 'bat cave', "Wait no- scratch that it's Spider man."
"If you could be any animal what would it be?"
"A dog."
"What is your biggest fear?"
Again, you answered without thought even though it was a harder hitting question compared to your favorite drink or what type of animal you would be,"Being alone."
"Who would you kiss in the office?" By now you had felt comfortable in the short little game, not even realizing how the questions had shifted to what she had been looking for all along.
"Spencer." As soon as it came out of your mouth you slapped your hand over it. It was no use, the admission had already escaped and made its way into Garcia's ear.
"Do you like Spencer?!" You opened your mouth in protest, but the look on your face said it all. Garcia knew she had won when you hang your head down with a sigh, in defeat. "Oh! Morgan was right!"
A little squeak by the door of the bat cave then pulled you out of your embarrassment and Garcia out of her celebration. You were already embarrassed before and it then turned into absolute mortification when you turned to see the source of the noise. Spencer was standing there, slack jawed, holding a file he had meant to give Garcia.
His voice then came out with more stutters and pauses than you had ever heard before from him, "H-hey ggguuys ummm I've got to go- take a nap."
You almost wanted to snort thinking that you'd like to take that nap you'd been planning on too. Garcia went to say something, possibly to break the tension or make it even worse, but he was already gone. He bolted out the door and probably all the way home before you had a chance to explain your answer to the question that just led to even more questions.
As soon as you were finally freed from Garcia's clutches you bolted as well. Except instead of going straight home to your comfy bed you had been daydreaming about you bolted to someone else's apartment.
"Hi, Doc." Was the first thing you squeaked out when Spencer had opened up the door to his apartment after your polite yet incessant knocks.
He blinked at you a few times, perhaps trying to convince himself that you were really here. Clearing his throat he then replied shakily,"Hi."
"C-can I come in?" It was your turn to stutter now, you wouldn't lie and say you weren't nervous about what his reaction might be. The only thing you were sure about is that he wouldn't be outright disgusted by your feelings. You both had worked with each other for many years, becoming closer each day by day as time continued to tick by. At this point you'd call him your closest friend and you knew he wouldn't call you disgusting for developing feelings for him. If he was going to let you down he would start by saying it's only natural. Though, you still felt an ache in your chest even when assured that he'd at least let you down gently. Your relationship with him would be forever changed either way this conversation went.
He swung the door open more after a moment of trepidation, gesturing you through the door. You spent no time gazing around at his apartment, you had been here many times before. Instead you made a beeline for the couch, the comfiest spot to sit. You wanted to be at least comfortable if he was about to break your heart.
"C-can I ask you a question?" He fiddled with his fingers as you both sat down on his couch.
You brought your knees up to your chest as you had slipped your shoes off before sitting down. You also made sure to avert your gaze away from him, not sure if you could handle looking at him in the eyes, "What kind of question? Is it the same one as before?"
"N-no, um- well kinda... Yes and no?" The end of his jumbled sentence went up in pitch, making his own answer sound like another question.
You decided to give him a little mercy, doubting that there was any question he would ask that you would be uncomfortable with. And, you already had a feeling you knew what the question would be, "Alright Doc, I'll let you answer your question. Go easy on me ok?"
Your little joke on the end was supposed to help him feel less nervous, but going by his awkward laugh it might have had the opposite effect. He still was able to get his next words out with a bit of confidence, "Was your answer back at work- umm honest?
Your heart fluttered at his question, beginning to beat harder in your chest as you prepared yourself to give him an honest reply. You were nervous to answer, even though you knew exactly what it was going to be deep down in your heart. Taking a deep breath you then answered the question with a simple answer, "Yes."
He seemed relieved at your answer, relaxing his shoulders just enough that you noticed. You'd have to thank Garcia later, for finally getting you to answer the question honestly. Though, just by analyzing his behavior quickly you could tell that he still had something to say and/or ask, "Do you have another question?"
He nodded in response, his body language becoming even more closed off then before. His leg was now bouncing up and down as an attempt to soothe his building nerves. You then gave him what he had been looking for after his first question, permission to ask another, "You can ask another question, Doc."
Tense silence sat between us for a few moments while I waited for him to speak up. He then got his courage back a little, though he still looked at the ground and fiddled with his fingers when he asked, "Would you like to go out on a date?"
It took no time to process the question, the answering instantly coming to the front of your mind. You then spoke with no trepidation, giving him a simple honest answer, "Yes."

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