Dahlias~ Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader (FLUFF)<spencer pov>

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Summary: Spencer over analyzing what flowers to get Reader for their first date.
Spencer POV
A/N: This was another entry for a SFW fic swap over on tumblr organized by imaginingnthemargins - who also is who I got in the swap! This is one of my favorites I've ever written even though it is quite short- I want to do a part two to this someday about Reader getting a potted orchid lmao. Gif by yin-hisdevinefeminine on tumblr.
Warnings: Non my lovelies!
Word count: 1.1k

The overwhelming scent of botanicals hit me as soon as I entered the tiny floral shop. The shop was filled to the brim with every type of bud and bloom that I could think of. My mind was swirling as I looked at all the possibilities around me, nothing seemed to catch my eye, no flower seemed perfect enough for my upcoming date with Y/N.
My palms were sweaty in anticipation for this monumental date, I couldn't screw it up. I had been pining after Y/N for so long and was shocked when they had actually agreed to my stuttering attempt to ask them out over the coffee pot at work.
Carnations are the first thing that fully grasped my attention- they had plenty of variety in color. Well, maybe not, since the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Carnations is prom boutonnières that I never had the pleasure of wearing or of funeral flowers.
Speaking of funeral flowers chrysanthemums were the flowers directly to my left. They were a beautiful fall flower but I could quickly dismiss them. I was pretty sure Y/N wouldn't appreciate flowers that represented death- no matter how pretty they looked.
I looked to my right, my eyes catching sight of the section of the shop that had all the different colors of roses they had to offer pulling me away from the carnations and chrysanthemums. The variety of colors was almost too much, the display looking like Valentine's Day threw up on it. I briefly considered choosing them thinking that roses were a classic go to; so what could go wrong? My fingers brushed over the silky petals of the crimson flowers while going through every possibility of why roses would be a good or bad idea.
Yes, they were a classic but-
No, roses would be too cheesy I finally decided. They were too closey related to the cringey romantic comedies that I knew Y/N loved to watch, laugh, and mock at how sickly sweet they were. They often commented on the fact that while they wanted to be romanced, the classic tropes often felt hollow to them and would rather be wooed as she says, in a unique way.
That's where my mind jumps to next as I dropped my hand away from the roses and spun around looking wildly for a blossom that had a unique quality.
The orchids then caught my eye as I cast my gaze over the store again frantically trying to find a bloom that fit Y/N perfectly. Those would be pretty and- they would be unique. They had quite the variety of types of Orchids, though I was quickly drawn to the ones whose blossoms were a bright magenta with a kiss of white on the edges. Sadly, I had to tear my eyes away from them when I realized they all sat in a pot surrounded by dirt. I only wanted to go with cut flowers, even though I had worked with them for years- a potted plant seemed too serious for a first date.
I spared a glance at my watch which was ticking dangerously close to the time when I had to meet Y/N at the restaurant.
I'm going to be late if I don't pick something soon- Focus, Spencer.
"I think I have something perfect for you deary." A quiet voice shook me from my frantic thoughts. I spun around to see a petite older woman dressed in bright colors who I assumed was the owner of the little shop. She reminded me of what I imagined Garcia looking like in her 70s.
The woman held in her hands a bundle of Dahlias. They ranged in color from a pale ballerina pink to a deep almost eggplant color with a few colored almost orange thrown into the mix.
Dahlias of course Spencer- those are perfect.
I'm pretty sure the woman who picked out the flowers is more of a genius then I am. Dahlias symbolize elegance, inner strength, creativity, and dignity. It was an exquisite choice- a unique flower that represented exactly how I viewed Y/N. She picked a pristine bloom that fit Y/N to perfection. And, even if Y/N had no clue what they symbolized I knew they'd appreciate the blooms.
I thanked the woman, who's name I now know as Darlene profusely and paid quickly before dashing like a mad man out to my car to hopefully get to the restaurant on time. I would be sure to come back and thank Darlene properly when I next had the chance. Maybe I would even bring Y/N along so they could look at the Orchids.
I still ended up 5 minutes late because of traffic
Carefully cradling the bouquet I made my way to the entrance of the restaurant and was guided to the table I had reserved for us. My mind short circuited when I rounded the corner and had my first glimpse of Y/N for the night. They looked like a vision of absolute beauty to me, making my mouth fall open a little in a quiet gasp. My mind was still reeling from the sight as they came up to greet me, though I did maintain enough composure to hand them the bouquet.
"Thanks for the flowers Spencer, they're beautiful!" The smile on their face while they took a whiff of the sweet smelling buds made me beam with pride. I started to stumble out a response when I realized I had been staring at them for far too long.
"Well- I was looking for something unique for you and there were a multitude of choices in the flower shop but they all seemed really basic. I couldn't go with carnations or roses or orchids. Luckily the lady that owns the shop-"
They swiftly cut off my rambling which usually would annoy me however they always knew when my train of thought needed to stop so it wouldn't veer off into self deprivation and over worrying.
"I love the flowers Spencer. How did you know that Dahlia's were my favorite?"

Spencer Reid Oneshots~ by writing-in-aprilWhere stories live. Discover now