You will always be my Best Friend❕

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What if Lena had forgiven Kara in 5x01? What if it had been the step that has made the two best friends realize the real bond that unites them?

Lena is staring at the view she has from the balcony of her penthouse. She likes to do that sometimes. It calms her down. Helps her to center herself. To feel grounded.

It's been a couple of hours since Kara has come clean to her about her identity. Something she'd never thought Kara would do ever since she'd found out the truth about who her best friend really is.

Lena kind of refuses to admit it to herself, but seeing Kara in tears, so scared about losing her turns her heart and every inch of her being upside down.

That makes her want to forgive her. To start anew. A fresh clean start. A new beginning. Something that could make their friendship even deeper than it was when she didn't know that Kara Danvers and Supergirl were one and the same.

Lena feels more conflicted than she's ever been with herself. As if there were two parts of herself fighting within her, trying to overtake the other.

On one side, there is the Luthor part, the one she despises so much and would like to get rid of. The one that tells her to do things she would rather much not think about. The one that refuses to forgive the betrayal, and the pain that Kara has inflicted on her. She's a Luthor. Luthors don't forget. They don't forgive. They take revenge over those who wrong them. At least, that's what she's always been told. That's what everyone in this city probably thinks of her. Besides Kara.

Kara who's always believed in her. Always believed that she was a good person. Kara who's always been there for her. Kara who's been able to break the walls that she had always built to protect herself from the outside world. Kara who's rescued her emotionally while Supergirl rescued her physically. Kara who makes her feel safe and warm even after the pain of the betrayal had crashed over.

Which brings her to the other part, the one that wants to allow her to forgive Kara. Because Lena does know that being without Kara would be like missing a limb. It would be like having her heart ripped out of her chest over and over again.

The thought of spending the rest of her life without Kara in it is enough to make tears well up into her eyes. Until she feels someone's presence behind her. Until a feeling of warmth and safety envelop her surrounding.

She blinks several times to chase the tears away, and swallows thickly, hoping to get rid of the overwhelming emotions that keep building up within her.

Emotions that are starting to be too big to be kept neatly in their boxes. And with the weight she feels on her heart, Lena realizes that the boxes she'd thought she could always count on are slowly crumbling down. Crashing over her with a force that she didn't expect.

Lena spins around, facing Kara, or Supergirl. She doesn't even know. All she knows is that Kara's presence or Supergirl's have always made her feel the same way. As if nothing could happen to her as long as this woman was by her side. She also always felt the need to protect both of them. Even that time she's been angry with Supergirl, she'd spent days in her lab working on projects to keep National City's Superhero safe.

Lena internally shakes her head at herself as she stares at her best friend, wondering how the genius she is hasn't been able to put two and two together. Perhaps that's because she didn't want to realize that Kara who's never hurt her before could lie to her face every single day since the two of them met.

The two best friends gaze profoundly at each other, as though they weren't sure how acting anymore. As if something has changed forever between them. And Lena knows that it's the case, and from the way Kara is looking at her, she knows her best friend knows it as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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