Unavoidable Dreams Part II❗

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Ya'll made me feel guilty so enjoy the smut I cringed writing I suppose

Buttons clatter to the floor violently in the silence that has overcome the room, and honestly Kara has never liked having super strength more than now, as she watches Lena's gaze shift with hunger, as she watches the soft fabric slip from Lena's shoulders easily now that it has no restraints. Kara gulps as her eyes fall upon Lena's chest, her alabaster skin luminous against the black lace of her bra. She hesitates before ripping the skirt, silently asking Lena's permission to continue and receiving a jerky nod in response.

If you'd asked Kara a few months ago if she ever expected to have Lena Luthor, clad only in lingerie, gasping for breath on a kitchen counter, she would have said absolutely not. Truthfully, the answer would have been the same if you asked her two hours ago and yet here she was, and here Lena was. Lena who was dragging her tongue along Kara's neck. Lena who was finding all these spots Kara never knew that she had. Lena whose teeth were sinking into her skin and Rao Kara wished it would mark. She wished that Lena could claim her, that Lena could carve herself into Kara's skin, that she could paint herself onto every inch of Kara as a constant reminder that this wasn't a dream.

That this was very much real.

This was real.

"You're wearing too many clothes," Lena murmurs, gesturing for Kara to turn around with a swift twirl of her finger. Kara follows the instruction slowly, concentrates on keeping her breathing even as she hears the pads of Lena's feet drop to the floor. Her breathing stutters when cool fingers graze against her waist, trailing up her body as Lena tugs up her shirt, dropping it to the floor carelessly when Kara is finally free of it. She almost forgets to breathe altogether when she hears the button on her pants pop open, feels the warm air of Lena's apartment all over her body. She leans into Lena's hands as they explore the newly exposed skin.

Her eyes slam shut when Lena softly kisses her back.

Kara hears her pants drop to the floor. She can hear the rustle of the fabric as it folds in on itself, as it pools at her ankles, forgotten and needless. She steps out of them timidly, never once turning back to Lena. She can hear the cars on the street, and the bustle of people outside. She can hear the rapping of knuckles on a door, the telltale crinkle of wrapped flowers. She can hear every breath Lena takes. She can hear her lips parting. She can hear the soft press of Lena's mouth ascending her spine to her neck.

She can feel it.

She can feel Lena's lipstick branding her skin. She can feel Lena's tongue teasingly trailing along her spine and her neck. She can feel Lena's body drawing closer. She can feel her hands timidly gripping Kara's hips - just her fingertips at first, the pads brushing lightly like they're afraid of the reaction they'll receive, then fingers slide over Kara's canvas, curling around her form, pressing firmly into what they're being offered, then a steady palm, unrelenting and indelible.

Kara twists when Lena's fingers graze the underside of her bra. She has to see her. She wants to see that Lena's just as affected by this as she is. She wants to watch Lena react to her every move. She wants Lena to watch her.

She wants, and wants, and wants.

She wants Lena. Lena, who is smaller than her without her heels, but whose smirk is no less imposing even when she lacks her power blazer. Lena, whose gaze is both tender and hungry. Lena, who looks like Kara thinks she must too - nervous, excited, like her body is a second away from catching fire.

"Bedroom?" Kara tries to command but it comes out shaky like a question, like she still can't quite believe that this is happening, like she still can't believe that this is what Lena wants. But Lena wants. And Kara wants. And she's being pulled wordlessly through Lena's apartment by their joined hands and, despite it being the only parts of their bodies touching, Kara can feel Lena everywhere. The press of her lips lingers on her neck. The ghosts of her hands haunt Kara's skin - her back, her neck, the dangerous heights of her thighs that Lena dared to graze.

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