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(The gong soon rings and all goes quiet) quiet now we are here to day becouse um becouse.. Athena why are we here again. vampire's. Oh yes has anyone seen the vampires roming around the streets well Athena has came here to help us stop this madness. So Athena you tell them you are the one who came to me. Oh ok, well we are making an army and we need you and you. Becouse we have a morre potental than human's and anything in the universe. So we will stand tall amd maybe we will become worshipped again, becouse way beyond times we were worshipped by the indians but until they meet fire and gun powder any way we can become somethig more than what you can inmagine. So whose with me. (they all scream and say were with you master Ajax and Athena was surpried that they called her powerful). So master Athena what do we do know. Well master Ajax we will start with training until the blood moon rises and we will become known. Ok Athena I think this went to your head will lets start.

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