The way your eyes follow me....

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"I know...."

The knife was plunged into Aileths stomach, her insides burned with the flames of blue embers.

She screamed out in pain, panting and clutching her abdomen she slowly looked up at Amenadiel tears brimming her doe hazel eyes.

The pain in her eyes made Amenadiel regret the deal he had made with his mother, this isn't what he wanted. He just wanted her to be happy but he also wanted his mother gone just as much as his father.

"I'm so sorry."

He hugged her softly, feeling her wrap her arms around him he gasped, "I understand."

He cried into her shoulder as the divine blood poured from her chest and soaked into Amenadiels shirt. He sobbed for the memories he would lose of her, cried for the pain he would have to see in Lucifer and Uriels eyes.

The pain in Linda's eyes he would have to see, he regretted it all. He had made a huge mistake that he would surely pay for later.

Her mind was filled with the memories of all of her past lives she had spent with Lucifer and what she had considered her family.

Her mind flooded with uneven waters and pools of deep and depressing thoughts. But Amenadiels soft voice kept her from those, Lucifers piano tune fell into her ears silently yet so loud.

"You do know I love you right?"

Her body had ceased to live any more, her spirit carried her weight for her. Her eyes watched as his own widened in shock. She was actually gone.

"A-Ali? He-hey, wake up. I do-don't want this please. ALI PLEASE WAKE UP!!"

She cried, he knew as soon as he dug that knife through her chest that she would be sent back to hell. He knew it, so why did he do it?

The hybrid sighed sadly, watching silently as her best friend cradled her lifeless body in his arms, rocking her back and forth on the ground almost pitifully.

She turned, not even sparing a glance before jumping from the clouds. Doing a swan dive into the endless pit of hell. She will not lie, it was somewhat better than earth. To her at least.

She dusted off her outfit.

Pulling her brown hair back into a ponytail and cringing as her shoes were very inconvenient for this encounter

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Pulling her brown hair back into a ponytail and cringing as her shoes were very inconvenient for this encounter. Aileth shrugged her petite shoulders, taking off her flannel and wrapping it around her small waist. It was fucking hot down here.


She turned and saw a servant, he was tall. The queen of hell smiled slightly, catching the demon off guard he drew his sword.

She frowned, "Is that any way to treat your queen?"

Her outfit seemed to turn to ashes as a red split down dress covered her body. It was glittery, a slit down her chest as well as one on her thigh.

Aileth smirked at the terrified look on the servants face, "Do not mind it. I forgive you, let's just not tell the king shall we?"

She was back in hell. Yet, she wasn't herself.


Amenadiel knew what was going to happen, he dropped to earth. Falling on a stone memorial he felt his wings burn. He cried, not only had he lost his best friend but now, he was fallen.

Lucifer walked out casually of the building, Uriel following him surprisingly.

"Ah. I see. Never mind, just a pigeon hit the window. Don't worry about it doctor!! A bird hit the window!!" Lucifer called out back toward the office.

Uriel rolled his eyes, helping his brother up once again, "What has happened now?"

Amenadiel looked down at his chest, her blood still stained into its woven cloth, "I made a mistake brother..."

Uriel stood quietly, waiting for his brother to explain the stain. He walked into the office where Lucifer had strut into.

Lucifer was seated on the couch as Linda sat in her office chair, with an unamused expression. That was until Amenadiel walked in covered In blood and tears.

"What happened to you?" She asked worriedly.

He kept silent, making Uriel worry.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "Probably figured out he isn't dads favorite eh?"

"I killed her...." The fallen Angel spoke quietly.

Lucifer and the others in the room furrowed their brows, "Dearest brother your going to have to speak up."

"I killed her! I killed Ali!!" He cried, his fist clenching his red splattered shirt, "This is her blood.... I killed her with the blade.."

He was shoved roughly against the wall, Lucifers devil face inches from his own, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! She trusted you!"

Uriel frowned, not disagreeing with Lucifer, "We were there for her when others weren't. What were you thinking?"

Linda had tears in her eyes, yet her face was stone and furious, "What the hell?! Why?! Why would you ever even think of that!?"

He sobbed louder, falling to his knees when Lucifer unexpectedly dropped his hold on him, "I tried to make a deal with mother..."

"And they say don't make deals with the devil however I think that's a better idea than making a deal with the goddess of CREATION!!"

"I wasn't thinking okay!!" Amenadiel defended.

Uriel rolled his eyes, he was containing his laughter, "Thats obvious."

"Can the blade even kill Aileth?" Linda asks out of the blue, feeling as though Uriels reaction wasn't quite right.

Uriel smirked, "Smart human isn't she? You are correct, she was simply just sent back to hell. Though I don't believe she wants to come back."

Lucifer was angry, "What do you mean??"

His brother sighs, "Every time that blade pierces her, a piece of her soul dies. So she is most likely a bit more...."


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