Chapter One

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a story

about jacksepticeye

and markiplier

I will refer to them as 'Jack' and 'Mark' throughout the story

though 'Jack' may be referred to as 'Sean' by 'Mark'.

also, take this link to read this with

or this one

let us begin.

Jack sat on his couch, having his laptop on his lap, you know, like you're supposed to do. He was tired, but he'd feel awful if he didn't reply to as many comments as possible. His computer made a noise, startling him... He was used to the silence. He lives alone after all. It was a Skype call from markimoo. He answered it, Mark's face appearing on screen. "Hey Jack, what's up?" Mark asked.

Jack yawned, "Just answering some comments."

Mark's eyes traveled to something off screen. "OH crap, Sean, what time is it in Ireland?"

"3 am, why?" Jack replied.

"Do you even sleep?" Mark asked, a worried expression in his eyes, "I didn't mean to call so late... I just wanted to see what you were up to, as face to face as we can get before PAX."

"It's okay, I'm not that tired," Jack said, smiling.

"I swear to god Sean you are the most energy filled person I know," Mark said.

"Thanks," Jack said, an evilish grin on his face. Jack took out his phone, just below Mark's line of sight. He had some comments to answer.

"Sean, do you have your phone out down there?" Mark asked.

"Sorry Mark... I need to answer these people..." Jack replied.

"You probably need SLEEP more than that, but I get it," Mark said, "Having so many people in one place, commenting on YOUR video, feels pretty amazing, doesn't it?"

Jack nodded, "I still can't get over the fact that so many people want to talk to me..."

Mark smiled, "You probably never will. I'm still amazed everytime anyone subscribes. I just love them so much."

Jack nodded again, smiling. "I don't want to let them down..."

"Well, you still should sleep," Mark said. Jack sighed.

"You can't make me," Jack said, grinning the whole time, like a rebellious six year old.

"I saw on your twitter... You okay? I really hope the hate doesn't get to you Sean," Mark said, "You'll probably have to get used to it..."

Jack frowned, "I know... It's just, it gets in your head..."

"Shh, shh, you are perfect," Mark cooed.

"Oh Mark," Jack said, "I love you sometimes. I just can't wait to see you in person..."

Mark smiled. A few seconds of awkward silence caused Jack to break it.

"You know what the most ANNOYING THING in the comments is!? When people say I'm not Irish, like, I'm pretty sure I know," Jack said, breaking the silence, in an outburst.

Mark just laughed. "Maybe it's because you said your favorite drink is Cream Soda and Cherry Coke."

"Oh ha-ha Mark," Jack said, trying to sound sarcastic but he had a huge grin on his face, as what Mark said was very true. So what if he didn't drink beer all the time? Mark was dying of laughter on his side of the world, and Jack was just grinning. Finally Jack gave in, joining Mark in laughter. But then a sharp pain in his chest interrupted him. He coughed.

Insomnia [Jacksepticeye + Markiplier]Where stories live. Discover now