Chapter Five

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the next night.

thirteen days left.

It was getting late. It was around 1:30 AM and Mark still hadn't called Jack. Jack was getting worried. Mark hadn't posted anything today. Jack decided to skype him by himself. After almost a whole minute Mark picked up. "Mark, are you okay?" Jack asked worriedly. Mark looked pale, his hair fluffed and eyes a little red. "What happened?"

Mark forced a smile. "It's just been a rough day. I'll be fine."

"Mark, really, what happened?" Jack asked.

"Nothing..." Mark replied.

"Are you sure it was nothing?" Jack asked, "You look pretty upset."

"Okay fine-I'll tell you. First my recording jacked up, like beyond saving, and I didn't have time to record a new one because I had acting classes to get to. Then when I was walking home, a guy walked up to me and told me how annoying and stupid I am and my videos... I-I never thought I'd get hate in REAL LIFE. I just figured the haters were people who hid behind their computer screens and typed vile things in a cowardly way... I just, didn't expect it... And now it's kinda thrown me off."

"Oh Mark," Jack said, he didn't really know what to say though. He didn't think anyone would ever get real life hate. It was quite surprising. "Your videos aren't annoying or stupid. And you are


and smart and funny."

"Thanks..." Mark said, voice trailing off.

"I'm serious," Jack said. They sat in silence for a little bit. Finally Mark spoke.

"I'll be okay Sean," Mark said, "Good-night."

"Oh-Okay. Goodnight," Jack said. The call ended, and Jack shut his laptop screen.

I'll be okay.

the next night

Jack was walking throughout his house, trying to remember where he had put his phone, because he could hear it ringing somewhere. Finally he found it underneath a paper on his desk.

-one missed call from mark-

Jack sighed, calling him back. Worry filled his thoughts. Why had he called versus skyping? "Mark?" he asked into the receiver.

"Oh, hey Sean," Mark said in response.

"What's going on?" Jack asked.

"...I just didn't feel like skyping you tonight," Mark replied.

"Oh, okay? Is something wrong?"

"Um... I've been feeling a little better I guess..."

"Mark, you're not letting that guy get to you are you?"

"No!... Okay maybe a little bit... but not really..."

"Mark, it's one guy who doesn't like you. There's SIX MILLION people who love you," Jack said.

"But Sean, this guy had the nerve to walk up to me and tell me this-"

"-You are amazing Mark. Don't let this guy get you down. That's what he wanted," Jack said.

"And I'm letting all my fans down, I just...couldn't record today. Now everyone's worried about me and I just can't tell them..."

"Mark, you will be okay. They can be patient. They love you sooo much."

"Okay, okay..." Mark said. He didn't sound okay.

"Mark. Promise me you'll be okay," Jack said.

"I promise," Mark said in a light tone, "Good-night Sean."

Insomnia [Jacksepticeye + Markiplier]Where stories live. Discover now