1. Tay: *play phone*
New: I thought you just bought a car...
Tay: Yup.
New: and why are you still riding with me?
Tay: you ride on me most of the night hin
New: WITH ME TE! IN THIS CAR! not... OMG focus Tay Tawan! *blushes*
2. Tay: *casually walking around GMM building*
Prigkhing: P'Tay. your you realize you have ...umm...?
Tay: huh?... Oh yeah, New doesn't feel like walking ...
New: Zzzzz *on Tay's back*
Prigkhing: O.O
Off: Walk along, Nong... Ignore them.
3. Tay: where's the first aid kit?!
Godji: huh?
Tay: hurry Phi!
Godji: on the cabinet over there...what's going on?
Arm: New got a papercut.
Godji: =_=
4. Off: What are you doing there, New?
New: Planning my day ahead.
Off: but there is nothing besides Tay's name...
New: Your point is?
Off: *sigh* forget I ask.
5. Off: Just apologize to him peng...
Tay: No! He is selfish, demanding, spoiled and stubborn! I will not let this go! This time he's gonna ask for my forgiveness!
New: Te~ P'Jennie took my cookies!
Tay: *gets up*
Off: Where are you going?
Tay: Buy him more cookies.
6. Tay: you're not listening hin!
New: hmmm*goes to the bedroom*
Frank: P'Pluem...
Pluem: *sigh* well, I just wish we'll have a little sister for a change.
7. *TayNew cuddling on a sofa*
Off: Guys, I made Gun mad, what should I do?
New: I dunno I never fight with Tay ...
Tay: yes, we do.
New: No, we do not...
Off: ........hmmm guys?
Tay: Just last night we can't decide what snacks to buy.
New: YOU can't decide it, I told you I'm good with anything.
Tay: You really have to argue with me over everything, don't you?
New: I'm just telling the truth...
*TayNew bickering is going on and on*
Off: Never mind.
8. New: Maee~~ I am sad...
Godji: what's wrong son?
New: Te didn't reply my "I Love You" ... He doesn't love me anymore.
Godji: aww...why is that, son?
Gun: P'Tay went to the toilet.
Godji: get off of me before I kill you, son.
9. Arm: What's in the bag?
Tay: Birthday present from New.
Arm: Ohhh... a belt, nice.
Tay: I know. It is sexier than handcuffs.
Arm: 👁👄👁
10. Gun: hi P'Tay... how did you got here?
Tay: I drove my car.
*end of the day*
Tay: Peng... Thanks for giving me a lift.
Off: No problem. Did you take a cab this morning?
Tay: Nope. I d-rove... shit.
De TodoJust a list of short moments of TayNew and friends that I always imagine coz apparently TayNew occupies a lot in my brain LOL 😆 and also I love reading TayNew's incorrects in twitter. so, I got some inspirations there. IMPORTANT NOTE: I read a lot...