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Spencer's POV

"If you say so," you replied. Spencer could hear the satisfaction in your voice, practically see the triumphant little smirk that graced your lips. He had accused you of being ashamed earlier, but perhaps he was projecting his own feelings onto you.

However, the sinking feeling in his stomach that usually accompanied making bad decisions was eclipsed by the feeling of your roaming hands on the waistband of his pants, the top of his thighs, his knee. Everywhere but where he wished your touch would go.

"Truth or dare?" you asked, your lips brushing lightly against his ear.

"Truth," Spencer breathed, trying to keep his mind from wandering where it shouldn't be. He wasn't sure what was worse; keeping his eyes open or closed. He opted to keep them open.

"What's your biggest secret?"

Spencer took a shaky breath in, trying to think clearly even with your fingers drawing steady circles on the inside of his thigh. There was only one thing that came to mind.


He couldn't elaborate further. He wouldn't. All he had to do was answer the question. That's all. He just had to get through this game. He clenched his fists, pressing his nails into the palms of his hands.

"Truth or dare?" he murmured.


"Did you kill Anthony Valassino?"

You were so close that he could hear your breath hitch, and your hands stopped moving completely. Finally, after a long pause, you answered.



"Game over," Spencer stated. But his voice was unsure, unsteady. You capitalized off of that, your one hand still roaming across his body while the other flitted to his hair, pressing your lips to his jaw and ghosting them along his skin. God, you felt so good. He shouldn't want to touch you, he shouldn't want to be this close to you. But you... You reached for his chin and turned his head so that he was looking fully at you, your face one of wonder.

"Your eyes are so beautiful," you murmured. Before he could reply, your hands were moving from his chest to his neck to his face, your fingers tracing along his cheeks, his nose, his lips. Spencer's eyelids fluttered involuntarily, and he resisted the urge to close his eyes fully as your soft touch left chills down his spine.

Spencer couldn't say a single word because he was left speechless by you, his mind empty and full all at once. You leaned in to kiss him, and he turned his head on instinct. He was of sound enough mind to know that it was a bad idea. Your soft kiss landed on his cheek, and then you kissed him again. Over and over, so delicately and sweetly and amazingly that Spencer felt his chest fill up like a balloon over the softness of your lips and the tender way that you touched him.

It wasn't too late to back out, yet. He could turn back at any moment, he told himself. Just a game. You kissed your way down to his neck and then you hit that one sensitive spot that always left him dizzy with excitement. Spencer closed his eyes, sighing contentedly as one of his hands tangled into your hair. He held you against himself, tilting his head to rest on the back of the couch as you continued to kiss him. He felt you climb into his lap, and he used his free hand to steady you against him. He was already hard, already slowly driven mad by you.

Game, just a game...

"It's your turn," Spencer said, his voice thick.

"Truth or dare?" you asked, your face still buried in his neck. You sounded almost breathless, your voice barely above a whisper.

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