dude Hannah's gonna be traumatized and she won't know why lol

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600 words of lazy angst

Tw: main character death, suicide, child neglect

Tw: main character death, suicide, child neglect

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"p-papa..?" Hannah said weakly, pulling on Sam's sleeve.

"Yes, flower?" Sam said with a smile, scooping Hannah up into his arms, "whats wrong, little flower?"

Hannah frowned, pointing to the hallway, "somethin' wrong..." She said, "he not okay..."

Sam frowned back, his brows frowned in worry, "show me where he is, please." He asked, putting her down and following her into the hall.

Hannah's small hand reached for Tommy's doorhandle, "I couldn't hear him cryin' so I went to check what was wrong with 'im..." She mumbled, opening the door and waddling in.

Sam walked in quickly, gasp making him hold his breath.

The small girl sat next to the pale boy, poking his side gently, "Tom's won't wake up..." She said sadly.

"H-Hannah, go pl-play with george..." Sam uttered, dragging his feet as he pushed her out.

Tommy was dead, clearly he'd been lying there for hours. A bottle of unlabeled pills, that Sam knew were pain killers, laid next to him. What made Sam feel sick was how peaceful he looked. There wasn't a single tear stain, he wasn't crying anymore. There wasn't any grief left, there was no more misery. He was smiling. He was finally happy.

Sam couldn't make him happy. That's where he went wrong. That's where he failed. He has to tell Tommy's already broken brother that he trusted the wrong man. That an innocent boy had to be put 6 feet under because his adoptive father was too stupid to know how to help.

Every time Sam blamed the "home sickness". Every time he didn't know how to comfort the boy he swore to protect. He killed Tommy, it was his fault.

When the police arrived, they found the only letter Tommy left behind.

"I miss home. I miss my brother. I miss tubbo." Was scribbled messily over a wrinkled page that was once tightly held in Tommy's now limp hand.

Why didn't Sam just take him back home? Why did he torture this boy till the end? He only made tommy suffer...

Days past, Sam couldn't even unlock Tommy's door, it stayed locked shut. He couldn't look at the place where Tommy took his last breath. The guilt would kill him too.

He finally contacted wilbur though, painfully informing the man about his brother. He understood the yelling he got, he knew he deserved it. He failed wilbur. He deserves anything wilbur wishes to punish him with, wether thats being arrested for child neglect or just wilbur murdering him, he didn't mind.

"He was all I had, Sam! I... I can't believe you..." Wilbur whispered, "T-Tommy... I ne-need to protect Tommy... Phi-phil told me too..."


"SHUT UP! Shut up... You'll never understand... You have a family still, you have children to care for. I have no one. He was my everything and your nothing. I shouldn't have trusted you." Wilbur cut himself off with a confused hum, obviously directed at someone else.

"T-Tubbo, it's not T-Tommy..." Wilbur said quietly, "I kn-know I said I'd call him... I- tubbo... He's dead..."

Screaming and arguing filled the air. Sam had to hang up, he couldn't hear the two grieving.

A small hand grabbed his sleeve, "papa...?" Hannah asked.

Sam looked down at her, "what?"

She frowned at his angry tone, holding up a bracelet made of pasta and beads, "where's Toms? I made 'im a bracelet to make 'im feel better."

Sam yanked his sleeve from Hannah, "he's gone. Go play with George or something." He said, pushing her away. She hesitantly ran off.

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