3 - Dental appointment

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Thankfully my first day of school was not that bad as I expected it to be. Everything went well and I had a nice conversation with a new girl in my class. Normally I hate talking to other people, it just makes me really nervous, but when Camille introduced her to me, I immediately felt at ease with her. We had some nice conversation an even had lunch together, that's definitely a better start than last year.

Unfortunately, it's now time to have my dental check up at George's clinic. Because of the nice day I had at school it totally forgot. But when I got in the car, Georges had sent me a message reminding me of the appointment.

I started driving to the clinic and when I god closer I could feel my body stiffen up and my breathing getting faster. When I arrived, I was in a full-on panic attack and couldn't control myself anymore. Then I heard someone opening my passenger seat door and sitting next to me, when I glanced over, I saw Noah (youngest brother) sitting next to me and felt his warm big arms wrapping around me. That's when I couldn't control myself anymore and broke down in his arms. "Shhh Mini, you're going to be okay" "try to calm your breathing, follow me 4 seconds breathing, holding it for 2 and breathing out for 4". We did this for a couple of minutes, and I could feel myself calming down.  Noah is seriously the most caring and sweetest brother of them all. He is always there to support me when I feel I can't go any further.

After a couple more minutes I slowly back out of the hug and drie my face of  with the sleeves of my sweater. "How did you know I was here?" I'm asking Noah still a bit confused. "George told me you sounded a bit off when he called you this morning so he asked me to also come in, so I can support you."

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