Lost Justice, Lost Love.

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-This was written a while ago and so some of the writing isn't as good. However I made a few small changes. This story is one that I was going to try and turn into a full novel but unfortunately I couldn't come up with the rest of the story, so instead here is what would be the final pages! (Well, a draft)

I was panting and sweating as I swiftly sliced the blade of my sword through every beast that dared get close. Slowly inching my way to the stairs which lead to the throne of black thorns the revolting Elf King sat upon, gazing down upon the tremendous battle between me and his followers with a smug smile. My heart was racing with fury and I could feel my arms ache unbearably but I couldn't give up now. Not when I was so close. Where is he? I thought to myself feeling my guard begin to loosen and the enemy slipping through my defence.

Right on cue, my teammate burst through the doors and pierced his blood stained sword through the monster that was about to lunge onto me with an excited grin. His presence was all I needed to gain my determination and eagerness back. "Took you long enough." I said to him with a cheeky smirk. "There were complications- nothing I couldn't handle," he replied back to me, smiling, in his usual over confident and cocky tone. Although he was annoying and boastful, I couldn't think of anyone better to have fighting by my side than the one who knew me best; my closest friend and partner in crime. His dark auburn curls that contrasted with his glowing fair skin bounced as he fought off the hideous, wrinkly, disfigured abominations. He was still beautiful even with the scars and light bruises on his face from battle, his muscles showing through his shirt, drenched in sweat and deep blue blood from the insides of the foul creatures. His deep, emerald green eyes twinkled with satisfaction as he eased his way through the pathetic army of the king's evil minions. Any other person would've maybe thought he was insane, but me and Adir were so in tune and understood each other in ways nobody else could.

I turned my attention back to the throne, but was shocked to see the King was no longer there. I could feel my body go numb as I darted my eyes around in search of the bloodthirsty tyrant. I suddenly felt the hair on my neck shoot up as I spun around, lifting my sword just in time to stop the king's blade from descending upon me. The final battle had begun. Our swords clashed; my shining silver against his dark obsidian.

 I had been waiting for this moment ever since the ruler of the Black Elves had reeked chaos in the 4 kingdoms, stealing my family away from me, giving birth to my quest for vengeance. I was finally going to be able to feel the victory and relief once I had driven my sword right through his rotten heart. However, he was besting me. I could feel him getting closer and closer to triumph but I had to keep fighting. I had to do them proud. His face morphed into a sickening grin as he caused my sword to fly from my hand. 

No. It couldn't end here. Was I about to fail? Had my enemy won? I closed my eyes and waited for my upcoming fate when I heard the clanging of metal. Opening my eyes cautiously, I saw that Adir had jumped in at the last minute and was now in a ferocious battle whilst I was lying helplessly on the floor. I searched for my sword frantically, desperate to help. The king had his back turned to me, his and my friends' swords pressed together in a battle of shear strength.

"Lucile-! Do it- quick!" I heard Adir's shouts as I reached for my sword. Then my heart stopped as I watched the murderous King Orken shove his cursed blade through Adir's chest. All I could do was watch as my companion let out an agonizing cry as the sword was vigorously pulled out and he collapsed to the ground. I quickly snapped back knowing what I had to do. Pushing through the urge to run straight to his body, after grabbing my sword and quickly jumping to my feet, I pounced on the creature I hated, separating it's head from its hideously muscular and veiny body. The body fell to the ground with a large thump but I wasn't interested to look at my life long achievement. I dropped my blade to the ground with disgust and ran over to the limp body of my companion, falling to my knees beside him lifting his head up.

His large eyes, once full of life were now dazed and full of terror and his lips were coated in blood. "No no no no.." I pleaded, ripping apart his shirt to look at his wound. A breath of horror escaped my dry mouth as I stared at the sickening pierce through his body. Veins of black slowly creeped from the wound, travelling up his crumbling anatomy. "It's bad isn't it.." My heart broke. His voice sounded so weak and lifeless- empty. All of his confidence and spirit had been stripped away in a matter of seconds, leaving only the smell of pain and bitterness where vibrance and happiness should be.

 "You'll be fine- you're gonna be just fine Adi-" I said, practically begged, choking on the salty taste of the tears that were streaming down my face like waterfalls. "You just need to stay with me and hold on," I croaked out, desperately trying to cover the wound with a torn piece of his shirt. He latched his hand onto my arm as tightly as he could, forcing me to look at his face. I began to crumble as I realized the black veins were now travelling rapidly up his neck to his face. "It'll be okay Luci.. you'll be okay.."

"Once I've saved you I will-"
"Luci.. There's no saving me."

"There has to be a way!" I replied sobbing.

"There's no time.." The branches of poison had now crawled their way to his face, draining any colour that was left in his cheeks. How dare they ruin his heavenly features. How dare they strip him of everything that made him, him. He didn' deserve to die like this. He's not going to die. I attempted to reassure myself but it was hopeless. With one hand I held tightly onto his, bringing it to my chest and as close to my heart as it could be. My other hand helped his head rest against my legs as I pushed the curls away from his face. He looked up at me with a sorrowful expression. "I love you Lucile, I always have-" Before he could say anything else, I pressed my lips against his, begging to find some life left in the man I had loved all this time. "I love you too" I responded, my voice breaking. My heart was being torn to pieces. Adir pursed his lips as if he were to say something but began choking on the black, tar like liquid forming in his mouth and his eyes became submerged in a dark sea. I panicked. Our time couldn't be over. It just couldn't. We had only just begun. I needed him. "Adi.. Adi" I repeated desperately but it was too late. He leant his head back, taking in his last gulp of air and then the last flicker of life left in him burnt out as if it were never there. I felt his hand lose its grip on mine.

 I longed for his comforting emerald eyes but instead they were shrouded in a glossy, black blanket, as if it were taunting me. Showing me there was nothing of the one I loved left. I hung onto him tight cradling him close to me, my tears feeling like acid against my face. The King had managed to take everyone I loved from me. I was alone. And this time, I had no battle to fight for justice. I was surrounded by death and misery, submerged in an endless wave of excruciating sorrow and agony, trying to swim to the surface for any sign of relief. But instead I drowned; letting out a heart-wrenching scream that would linger in this room, in this kingdom, for all eternity. 

And.... finish. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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