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(Bakugo Pov) ( The last line of the chapter is semi inspired from the title for the  Lofi, your a dream I never want to wake up from)

......Did he say the hell I think he said? I, Katsuki, the moodiest thing you will ever fucking find. And this fucking ball of sunshine has a crush on ME. I must have been starring for too long because Kirishima started saying," o-oh it's fine if you don't you probably prefer girls and don't really like me, and well I get that and I just still want to be friends an-"I punch him in the gut and he fell." Oi shitty hair, don't stat that bullcrap if I was going to say yes you fucking red shark tooth bastard." I reply and say soon as I said that he got up and hugged me. I'm yelling at him to get off but I actually enjoy it.  He tells me to go get ready and he'll pick in about an hour.  We part ways for the time being. I went to pick up Akari and go get dressed for this


I had finished getting dressed, I had asked how nicely I had to get dress he replied with he had already got me something. how the fuck did I not see it. After he told me where it was. after getting the shirt on I look over to a dark-colored vest with white roses on it. Kirishima went all out huh. After I get the rest of my outfit on I walk down the stairs to wait for him. I see Akari looking like she was about to go up to go upstairs.  She saw me and stopped. " The hell you looking at?" I say tilling my head. " OMG DAD! YOU LOOK GREAT, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD DRESS IN NICE CLOTHING!" After she said that I punched her in the gut, struggling to get up she says " I think you just killed all my non-existing unborn babies,"

 I laughed at her. then I hear a ring at the door. I walk over and open the door and sure enough, I see my Fucking date, I see Kirishima. He was wearing something that matched mine, this guy is way too cute. " ya ready to go Katsuki?" that was the first time he's said my first name out loud. My fucking heart fluttered when he said it and it just felt right." Yeah, I'm Ready...Eijro."


We Got to this REAL expensive-looking restaurant. Eijro lead me inside and got us a table and we sat down. The waiter walked over and we order our drinks. while we waited I guess I should start the fucking conversation."So Ejiro... what made you pick me to go on some date. there are plenty of fucking better people than me?" I asked I knew I should have probably gone with a better question but I just really wanted to know the fucking reason. " w-well Katsuki, Well this m-might sound a bit w-weird but..." Ejiro was shuttering and it was so fucking cute."I-I like to put it this way. Many people don't really see the actions you do. So many might not consider you an angel but to me your my angel." He said with a blush and a smile while tilting his head.

I felt my cheeks got red. why does this kind, adorable, warm ball of sunshine like someone as bad as me?  Our waiter got back with our drinks and we ordered and while we waited we talked. supering enough I had a good time. after the food got here we ate. And despite my threats, Ejiro paid for it all. we walked out and Ejiro was getting ready to take me somewhere else and grabbed my hand and lead me to the place. When he said we were almost there He covered my eyes and led me to someplace." the hell you doing Eijro? I asked about to open my eyes." W-W-W-WAIT! don't open your eyes yet. " I giggled and I waited. " now you can open your eyes. When I opened my eyes I saw a gorgeous garden full of white and red roses.

 In Ejiro's hand, he had a bouquet of these same Roses. He handed them to me with his stupid fucking grin that made my world flip. " K-Katsuki Bakugo c-could you do me the h-honors...And p-please be m-my boyfriend" Ejiro said his face red as he grabbed my hand in his own. I looked at the man in awe. I give a smirk and kiss him. We both melted into the kiss and held each other close. we only stopped when we had both ran out of breath. " yes you dumbass did you really have to ask such a stupid question." I looked at him dead in the eyes. He gave a huge smile and bear-hugged me and twirled me around laughing. eventually, I was laughing too. eventually, somehow we were laying in the grass, hand in hand with each other.  I looked at him as he looked at me and we both smiled. I kiss his hand and then say " if this is a dream, then you a dream I never want to wake up from."

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