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(Kiri Pov)( warning: use of strong words and homophobic slurs)

Katsuki finally became my boyfriend, the months of planning paid off! As we walked to his house I see Akari talking with this girl. the girl has pretty sliver hair, her eyes were an apple red. After Akari saw us she flipped. Katsuki March over to his daughter grabbed her and dragged her up the stairs. I and the girl just stood next to each other a watched it happen. she turned towards me and bowed while introduced herself," h-hello I'm Eri. Akari's girlfriend, y-you must be her other father." " o-oh no, I'm just her father's boyfriend," I explain to her, but I do plan to be Akair's stepfather eventually.....Wait Akari had a girlfriend this whole time, how the heck did I not hear about it.

 After me and Eri get acquainted Katsuki came down and Akari followed after. The girls ask me to ask the other band members to come to the house before Katsuki could reject the idea the girls got a hold of my phone and sent a message and not even 20 minutes later the rest of my band are there. I see Mina brought Sero, Jiro came by herself, And when Denki came in with Shinso. Shiso and Eri looked at each other for a minute and then pointed at each other ,They both started to yell about how they weren't supposed to date loud blonds. after everyone got adjusted Katsuki came out grumbling with a tray of different snacks. there were Mimi strawberry shortcakes, candy apples, Popcorn, and etc.

 everyone wanted to play different games. the first game we played wanted to do was truth and dare because the girls begged us. mina asked Denki and he chooses dare, she told him to do what we call his brain dead dance he came up with and made the mistake of showing her. he did it and everyone was laughing, and now it was His turn and he asked Akari. She said truthed and asked how she met Eri. Akari explained that she met Eri at school because she stood up for her at school when she was getting picked on. then she gave Eri a peck on the cheek and then asked Me truth or dare. I'm a true man so I picked dare, she dared me to confess my love for Katsuki. I looked over at him and leaned over a kissed him. Every one in the room flipped out after I pulled out Katsuki grumbled and his face red as my hair.

Eventually, a few rounds later Mina asked Katsuki truth or dare. He answered with truth. " who was your first crush, not partner just a crush." she asked with a smirk on her face.  Katuki sighed then replyed," alright don't fucking laugh at me extras." we all shook our heads and he continued" While I was in fucking middle school I was walking home and I bumped it to this guy. he had black hair and his eyes were red. He was covered in all the kinds of bandages you could find. We made eye contact and just something about the guy made me blush. A LITTLE, but then we walked our separate ways." Katsuki finished then I remembered something from my middle school days. 

~Flashback baby~ 

I woke up outside of the school, I must have been out for a while because school was over and I decide to walk back home after I patch myself up the best I could. As I walked all the words those stupid kids called me non-stop ran through my head. FREAK, FAG, WHORE, WEAK, LOSER, I rubbed my head where they dropped the huge stone on my head. I cleaned the blood off but it still hurts like hell. I didn't notice but I had bumped into someone I looked at the guy and we had made contact. his eyes were a confident red. I could have looked t them all day, but then I realized I was starring for too long and I just decided to walk away.

~end of flashback~

I giggled to myself," oi you laughing at me shitty hair?" Katsuki asked with a frown on his face." no, Babe I just had a funny thought." there's no way that middle school me was his first crush. After the games went on everyone got tired and they slowly made their way home. Eri stayed to have a sleepover with Akari and they went to her room. And I walked to Katsuki's room and we both laid down to go to sleep. I laid my head on Katsuki's chest and he ran his fingers through my hair which wad down by this point. I felt so relaxed and happy that I had Katsuki with me. more than words could describe. I closed my eyes and Katsuki had just fallen asleep." I love you, Katsuki Bakugo. And I will for the rest of my life, till death do us part."

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