A Trio of Trespassers

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The sky was just beginning to darken by the time they reached Druitt’s manor. Between Sebastian and Grell’s speed, it had taken little time to go from the Earl’s manor to the Viscount’s lavish home.

Sebastian leapt over the fence with ease and Grell followed. As they crept through the trees, Ciel gasped. “That’s the Undertaker’s hearse.”

Sebastian crouched low, “Do you think he’s somehow involved?”

“It isn’t the first time he’s worked with Druitt, though he’s never targeted Shinigami before.”

“He certainly targeted us on that ship,” Grell growled.

Ciel pursed his lips. “I was under the impression that was an unexpected encounter.”

“Yes, but he certainly slashed up Ronald and I nicely,” Grell pointed to her abdomen, only to remember that she was in William’s body. He wouldn’t have any scars. She looked up at the main entrance, “We need to get inside. Let me go see if I can find a window or something.”

“No need,” Sebastian smirked. “I see one already.” He glanced to Grell, “Shinigami eyesight perhaps isn’t keen enough to spot it.”

She rolled her eyes and bit her lip to keep from snapping at him. Such a demon, always eager to show off, even if he did know she could dispatch him in an instant. One thing she could credit this weird possession, being in William’s body gave her a bit more motivation to not lose her temper quite as much. She gave a cold smile, “Lead the way.”

Sebastian arched an eyebrow, but knew better than to push her. In a few quick leaps, they were latched onto the side of the manor house, their fingers digging into the decorative molding. “If you would, young master,” he nodded to the window that was just within Ciel’s reach. He pushed the window open, wincing as the wood squeaked, then crawled inside. For an Earl he could be quite limber when he wanted to be.

“You’re telling me you could tell this window was unlocked?” Grell asked.

Sebastian nodded as he held a hand out to help her through the window. “Indeed. I could also hear the air seep into the open crack.”

Grell took his hand with a smile. It was difficult to keep her mind on her work when Sebastian was such a gentleman all the time. They had entered into one of the guest bedrooms and the silence of the building was eerie. There was something else though too, not a sound but a sort of energy that Grell could feel, as though the walls were vibrating with a low hum.

“What is it?” Ciel asked, his eyes wide in the darkened room. “Is there something here?”

“No, not in this room at least, but…” Sebastian trailed off.

“It’s the demon we fought before,” Grell gripped her deathscythe and tried to ignore the shiver that went through her.

Sebastian frowned, “I’m not sure that it is a demon, to be honest. The energy is different, not one that I recognize.”

Ciel sighed, “If it isn’t a demon, and it isn’t a Shinigami, then what exactly is it?”

“I’m not sure,” he glanced down to his young master. Grell wasn’t sure if it was mischief or concern in his eyes, “Are you certain you still wish to pursue it?”

Ciel lifted his chin, “Take us to it already, and stop asking ridiculous questions.”

“Very well, but do stay close.”

Ciel nodded, though Grell thought he might be trembling underneath the wool overcoat.

Out in the hallway, the ceiling was decorated with grand chandeliers and colorful tapestries depicting a variety of gratuitous scenes, from bloody hunts, to beautiful maidens, to beautiful men, to festivals filled with wine and orgies. It was certainly one of the more unusual buildings that Grell had seen, but seeing them all crushed together on a single hallway wall somehow made sense for someone as debaucherous as Druitt.

It sounded as though most of the activity was downstairs. The three of them crouched down near the top of the grand staircase and watched as a servant passed by on the lower floor. He a young man with a sallow gaze, but he was followed by another man wrapped head to toe in a black robe. Grell watched them pass into the parlour, then the young man exited and headed down another hall.

“Is that the nefarious creature that attacked you, Sutcliffe?” Ciel whispered.

“That was him,” she growled.

“Then we had best hurry,” Sebastian said. “I believe I sense your body beyond that door, Grell.”

That was all Grell needed to hear.

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