Chapter 21: Misplaced Charm

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Matt once again dropped by Lizzy's house after his filming session. It had been an exhausting day. One of the last episodes with Karen and Arthur. Soon, he would be in New York, filming "The Angels Take Manhatten".

So he'd be in New York, while Lizzy was in California. In America for a week, starting tomorrow. In the same country again, but totally different side. Though, there was someone he would get to see while he was in New York that he hadn't seen for a while. He smiled at the thought. Someone he definitely needed to thank.

He and Lizzy had already figured out that Matt's sister, who Lizzy had met a few times and adored, and Matt trusted with his life, would feed Tony and check up on the house while he was gone.

Which reminded him. .

He hurried back out to his car, and grabbed the bag with his laptop, then headed back inside. He opened up Skype, set the laptop on the counter and called Lizzy.

Before she answered, he turned the laptop around so the camera faced Tony the Fish.

After a few moments of waiting he heard, "Hello, M- Tony???"

Something in her tone of voice made him laugh, and in the reflection of Tony's fish bowl, he saw her smile.

"I love your laugh." She told him.

He grinned. "Why thank you, my dearest Lizzy."

He turned the camera around. "Wait!" She cried. Slightly confused, he turned the laptop back around.

"There it is!" She sighed in relief, then laughed.

Matt, completely lost, turned to laptop back around to face himself. "What was that?"

"I was terrified, I thought I lost one of the charms from the bracelet! But there it is!"

Sure enough, Matt looked inside the fish bowl, and low and behold, the Shamrock charm was sitting there amongst the bright blue rocks. He laughed. "Nice going, Lizzy! You lost it already?!" He teased.

"I didn't lose it. I simply misplaced it. In a fish bowl." She laughed as well. "Could you get it out of there for me? I don't want it to rust or anything."

"Sure." He grabbed the little net-thing from the drawer beneath the tank. Carefully, he tried to get the Shamrock out with out hitting Tony. He almost dropped the net when he was surprised by Lizzy's next question.

"The Shamrock is for Niall, right? How did you come up with that one? I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned it to you."

He panicked a bit, and attempted to stutter out some explanation, but he couldn't come up with anything. So he just blurted out, "Oh! Is that my phone ringing? It's probably Steven with details about my flight tomorrow. I gotta go!" And he ended the call.

Stupid. Why did he do that?

A/N: Haha!! Look at that, two updates in one day!!!


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