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L/N Y/N FELT LIKE TODAY WOULD BE A GOOD DAY. scratch that, she needed it to be a good day. it would be the first day of third grade, her dad said she was growing up and this was big for her! she planned out everything, from how'd long she brush her teach in the morning to how'd she walk into the school. she already knew her mother wouldn't let her get away with doing her own hair or picking out her own outfit- last time that happened she was stuck in a wonder woman costume with her dad's brown, suede church shoes that she knew was way too big for her, all day.

waking up from her slumber, y/n never felt more excited. today would be the day she made new friends and would get adjusted to the new area. she and her family moved to miyagi over the summer, wanting a fresh start for their lives and to see new things. since it was a big move and she didn't know anyone in her area, y/n didn't have the best of luck exploring her new home that she hoped to have.

hurriedly putting on the outfit that was laid out for her, she couldn't seem to stay still. today is going to be so awesome! she brushed her teeth for the longest time ever, washed her face, and called out to her mom to fix her hair. "mommy! i'm ready for you!"

as she waited patiently for her mother, her mind went wild. how many girls are going to be there? will they like the same things as me? will we talk about my little pony? will they like the color pink? GASP. will there be boys? shaking her head, she decided to get out of her thoughts. boys are gross. but one thing wouldn't leave her mind, will there be someone there who looks like me?

"wow, look at my baby! looking so pretty and grown up!" y/n's mother smiled brightly as she came into the room. she definitely got her smile from her mother. "moooommmmy! i'm on this many years old!" y/n exclaimed as she held up 8 fingers, wiggling them around. "i know, i know. you'll forever be my baby though, right?" the child nodded her head vigorously as she sat down on the closed toilet seat so her mom could do her hair, "of course."

currently in the car, all you could hear was the smooth vocals of michael jackson, the temptations, all the classics. "now baby girl," y/n's father turned down the music a bit "you know i love you so much. and i know how much you're looking towards today but if something happens, you call me. even if you have to throw a temper tantrum, do it." y/n nodded her head, not exactly knowing what the word her dad just said was but having a little idea on what it meant. he pulled up to the sidewalk of the school and turned towards her in the back seat. "good. now, what do you say if a boy tries to talk to you?" he slightly raised his eyebrow up, questioning her. "EW, who do you think you are? my dad is going to fight your dad." she replied, raising her voice up a bit. "that's my baby girl! now come on." he quickly got out the car and opened the door for his daughter as she quickly jumped out.

as they made their way to the doors of the school, y/n's tiny hand was inside of her dad's and squeezing his. "oh no, you aren't scared are you now?" d/n crouched down to his daughter's level, looking in her eyes, searching for nervousness. "no...i'm just going to miss you and mommy." she slightly put her head down. only got it to be raised by d/n's hand. "hey, come on now, y/n. you're a big girl now aren't you? let's act like it, okay?" y/n slowly nodded her head as d/n slid away the tear from her eye that threatened to fall out. "okay daddy. i'll be strong." "good, come on let's do it." he said as he held his hand out to her, showing he wanted to do their handshake. y/n's hand went over her dad's, quickly went under, then over her chest- almost looking like a salute. "boom, boom, word!" they said at the same time. "that's my girl! i love you, peach." "i love you too!" she said as she waved him off and went inside the classroom.

 about three hours later, it was lunch and recess time and y/n wasn't having as much luck making friends as she wanted

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about three hours later, it was lunch and recess time and y/n wasn't having as much luck making friends as she wanted. there was one girl, her desk-mate sakura, who talked to her but she was smart enough to know she only did it because they sat by each other and the teacher told them to be nice to her.

making her way to a group of girls who were playing tag, she decided to ask for a spot in their group. of course, they didn't want her. "sorry, we have enough people." well, that was rude.

y/n made her way over to the monkey bars area, she noticed a group of boys. oh no, cooties! she was worried she would catch boy disease but she loved the monkey bars. she pushed through and tried to climb them, but the group of boys stopped her.

"what do you think you're doing?" a boy on the chubbier side named hitoshi asked her. "umm...i'm going to the monkey bars?" y/n gave the most confused face. "we didn't say you could." he began to get all in her face with his friends surrounding her. she tried to do what her father told her to do in this situation,"ew, who do you think you are talking to me? my dad is going to fight your dad and beat his ass!"

he did not like that.

hitoshi backed y/n into the wall, of course it was easy to do so because of his build, with his group following right after. "who do you think you're talking to, darkey?"

fear coursed through y/n's as she looked up at the boys, many different scenarios running through her mind. what's going to happen? will they hit me? push me? why are they doing this to me?

where's my dad? mom?

slowly, the sunlight above y/n went away and darkened. the bullies standing over y/n had no idea what they were about to face. "stop it. now. move." a deep voice rumbled in all of their bones.

they slowly turned they heads, wondering just who would even think to speak them that way. their face immediately dropped when they had to tilt their heads up and saw the tallest and scariest looking boy in their class. aone takanobu.

"w-who do you think you are? i-i'll beat you up!" hitoshi yelled, going to reach up for aone's collar but all it took was him to toughen his face more and take one step closer to hitoshi to make him back up next to his friends.

"come on! now!" hitoshi yelled to the two others as they started to run away toward the bench that was next to the door. y/n slowly processed everything that happened, raking her eyes up aone's figure to see the boy who saved her. "hey....thank you." she was nervous, to say the least. aone nodded in return, slowly turning his back to her and walking away with his hands in his pocket.

woah... he's the only boy who isn't yucky.

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