Fred and George arrive

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2 weeks later

"Mum, I'm going to college cof-FRED AND GEORGE WHAT ARE YOU DOINH HERE!!!"

" well for one love, you don't need to shout, and too we talked to your mum and guess what? We are living here now as we missed u soo much" George said, then whispered quietly to me."some more than others" he winked, causing me to blush.

So I let them in, and showed them to their room, they came back a minute later and started catching up when my phone started ringing, I looked at the caller ID and it was my favourite Roscoe, Robbie, I held a finger up.

" Hey babe" I said with a massive smile, but it vanished once I saw Fred's face, pain filled his eyes, which had love in them before, but he covered it up quickly thinking I wouldn't notice.

"Alright sweetheart" he knew that made me melt " Pam and Darren told me your friends from Hogwarts were there, do you want to come round so I can meet them, because mum is dying to meet them."

" yeah sure I'm on my way now, love u cockney boy"

" yeah love you too sweetheart more then anything" and now if your asking " are you two going out" the answer is no, he's just my brother.

I turned to the ginger headed twins and said " do you wanna come and meet Robbie, Jason, Ziggy, Freddie, Joe, Lindsay and Sandy?"

" there the roscoes right"I nodded" yeah sure I would love to meet them, what about you Freddie?"

Fred looked at me, the pain still evident in his eyes and said " yeah would love to meet the muggles you always go on and on about"

I smiled, knowing they would all get along so well, and we headed towards my favourite place in the world, when we bumped into someone, it was Cameron!

" Hey Cam, this is Fred and George weasley my two best friends, guys this is Cameron." They shook hands, and Cameron went off to work, then we set off to see the boys and obviously Sandy and Lindsay.

Hope you guys liked this chapter, told you Fred and George will be back!! :) comment what you think of it so far

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