Coffee and Roscoes!!!

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So some how we ended up getting coffee before going to see my boys.

When we got to the garage Fred and George were amazed cus they have never seen a garage before.

I shouted to no one in particular" I'm home!!!!!!!" .I heard a deep voice yell "LORI!" Then Joe ,Freddie and Ziggy came out and hugged me and when the came out of the hug the looked at the boys either side of me.

"it this Fred and George? " said Joe.

"Yeah, Fred George meet Joe" pointing to Joe " Ziggy " pointing to Ziggy "and Freddie " they all did greeting then I asked: " where's th-AHHHHHHH" I stopped mid-sentence as I got knocked to the ground by two bodies that I instantly recognized as Robbie and Jason.

I giggled saying "hi boys " they helped me up then looked at Fred and George " oh! Robbie Jason meet Fred and George " they did greetings.

Once we had a nice chat with the boys we left and I showed Fred and George round the village.

Sorry if it's crap next oone will better

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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