I hate green

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As I laid there a plan finally came to my head. I was going to steal clothes. I know that sounds stupid but believe me he wouldn't expect it. I quickly went to the door and fidgeted with the lock. All I needed was a paper clip or a bobby-pin. Maybe the bathroom? I rummaged through it until I found one and then I proceeded to run to the door.

The door finally came open and I ran up the first flight of stairs I found. There on the left was George's room. I quickly grabbed one of his extra pairs of clothes and goggles. Then ran back to my room and locked the door. I had found a little place in the wall that was hallow so I broke one of the bricks so I could get to it.

I started fixing the clothes so that they would fit me with whatever materials I could find. I fixed them as much as I could because the disguise would only work for a bit sense I wasn't as tall as George.


I heard the sound of yelling outside but could barely see anything. Maybe this is my chance to escape? I quickly put on the clothes I had just fixed as a precaution incase I run into any of the Dream team.... or Eret.

I kicked the door down and ran out, it felt as if I was running in circles because I couldn't find the exit until I finally saw light at the end of a hallway I hadn't noticed before. Did it just fucking appear?

The door was wide open and I sprinted with all my strength, taking short breaths as I rushed out and ran straight. I didn't care where I was running as long as it was far away from them.

There was a quick window for me to look back and I did but all I saw was some explosives placed and one Wilbur fighting one George. The others must have been out of my view.

My breath shortened every time my feet hit to ground. I could hear my heartbeat along with a faint ringing that was growing louder. There was yelling all around but I couldn't see anything as my vision began to blur.

"Y/n just stop" I heard the voice but I didn't stop I kept running farther into the forest.



The sharp whistle of an object went through the air until I felt a sharp pain in my leg.


"y/n! try harder. Why can't you be more like him" the voice said

"I just can't- I don't want to.... please" I was frantic. The person wouldn't let me stop training.

"Come on one more round, with bows this time." They said

"I don't do bows you know that" I didn't want to do this...

"It doesn't matter... 3- 2- 1- GO"

We fought for almost an hour until they pulled out a bow. I started running through the forest until I felt the arrow pierce the skin on my leg. That's when I gave up, I didn't keep running. I just wanted everything to be over. Was that too much to ask?



Dream pov

I went to y/n's room and she wasn't there. fuck. Why couldn't they listen y/n knew their friends would get hurt if there were any escape attempts.

I guess it wasn't her fault because her friends did attack us. I felt bad, they must have thought Wilbur and the others were coming back for them. It wasn't like that, Wilbur said he wanted independence for L'manburg no matter the cost. None of this was about y/n even if she took it as a chance to escape L'manburg won't accept them back.

Then I saw her running in a straight line not stopping while sapnap was running after her yelling. I knew Sap would catch her but I'm always up for a hunt.

"OHHHHHHHHH Y/NNNN" she didn't stop running and Sapnap got tired but I was in the trees so I decided to get ahead and grab her from the front.

I finally got far enough ahead so she wouldn't see me jump down and hide behind a tree she was heading for. When she came into view I got prepared for anything that could happen.

Y/n pov:

Sapnap wasn't behind me anymore and I saw the clear path away from everything. I couldn't breathe anymore but I tried to not let that stop me from getting away. When I thought I was far enough away to stop I felt myself get slammed against a tree. I took a sharp breath in and started moving my arms so I could try to hit whoever had grabbed me. By then I was light headed and could barely see anything. The person who had slammed me on the tree let their grip go a bit and I used that to my advantage. I kicked him in the balls and ran but this time it wasn't in a straight line.

Even if I tried I wasn't sure if I could run in a straight line anymore. I had lost too much blood and had to hide behind a tree to rest before I keep running. I heard a bush move around me and froze.

"Your the traitor in their eyes, do you remember helping Eret because that's all they remembers no one came for you. You may still care but they don't. Sapnap and George caught wilbur so if you want we could go ask if he came back for you."

I knew the answer, I just wanted to hope that they still cared. "I know... is it too much to still hope that they care somewhere deep inside"

"Yes, besides you have yourself up so they don't get hurt, but they don't care if you get hurt now let's go before we have to hurt one of your friends.

He really thought I still cared about them. I did but only tubbo because he was my brother and Niki because she never did me wrong. I looked up to Will I never wanted him to think I was a traitor. I stepped out from behind the tree and took a step towards him but then tripped. I felt myself slam on the floor as everything turned black.

Lol haven't updated this in a bit because I was focusing on my other book but now I'm just trying to get out a chapter for each whenever I can.

Take care of yourselves <3



(Not edited sorry if any mistakes)

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