Chapter 13~alycia's pov~

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     It's now Sunday morning it's been a week since the incident happened. And thank good the bruising on my face has gone down it's mostly healed but there still some spots were you could see the brushing but nothing you can't hide with make up.

My ribs have gotten better to they don't hurt anymore but I'm still taking the pills to help them heal faster.

The first 2 days I was home when I came back from the hospital I was having nightmares of the night. But thankfully they have gone away and there has been no sigh of Robert anywhere. Which is good because I don't ever want to see him ever again.I honestly don't know what I would do if I see him again.

Threw out the whole week I have spent it at home calling the insurance company to get my trucks windshield fixed and just watching movies the whole week since I have nothing else to do because I got a week off of work.

This week my friends though that it would be a good idea for all of us. To have a sleep over at my house and watch movies and eat snacks because we haven't hanged out in a week. But that doesn't stop them from calling to check on me everyday.

Shifting in my spot in the bed I try to get away from Kendall who's next to me because she ended up falling asleep on my bed yesterday so I let her sleep with me while bri and Clarke sleep in the quest rooms.

Finally getting away from Kendall I get up and make my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine. Walking into the bathroom I turn on the light do my morning business and washing my face and brushing my teeth.

I make my way out the the bathroom into my room to see and sleepy Kendall sitting up on the bed rubbing her eyes. " good morning sleepy head" I say to her with a smile. "morning" she says grogginess  still in her voice.

" I'm going to make you guys some breakfast ok" I say taking my phone off of the charger. " can you make your delicious chocolate chip pancakes please" she says patting her eye lashes at me making me chuckle at her cuteness. " ok only because your cute" I say making my way out the room hearing her cheer to her self as I walk out.

Walking into the kitchen i set down my phone on the kitchen counter. And start taking out all of the ingredients I need to make my special chocolate chip pancakes.I stoll the recipe from my mom. She used to make them all the time when I was a kid and they were my favorite.

Making the pancake mix the bowl I pour some pancake mix on the heated pan.
" good morning" I hear to voice say from behind me turning around to see Clarke and bri both standing there wearing my pjs  I let them borrow. " hey" I say turning back around to flip the pancakes.

" do you need any help" Clark say " yes please can you make eggs while I make the bacon and pancakes" I say taking the pancakes out and putting in new ones to cook. Hearing her reach into the fridge pulling out the eggs and another pan to make the eggs.

Finishing up cooking breakfast we all grab our plates and orange juice and make our way to the table to eat. " mmm this is so good who ever marries you will be very lucky" Kendall says as she stuffs more pancakes into her mouth. Making me chuckle while the others agree with her.

Finishing up breakfast I take all the dishes putting them into the sink and start washing them. Hearing a phone ring thinking that it's just one of the girls phone continuing with the dishes " alycia someone texted you" bri says from the table making me curious as to who it is. " let me see" I say as I wipe my hands on the rag before walking to her picking up my phone from the table. Reading the text to see that a unknown phone number texted me.



It says making me stare at the phone thinking to my self  if I should even answer. " who is it" bri says making me look up at her " it's a unknown number" I say looking at her before looking back at the phone before texting back

Uh who's this?

Its me Alex

They replied making a big grin make its way onto my face not going unnoticed by my friends " why you all smily now" bri say " it's Alex she the one who texted me" I say excited just because she texted me. Making all my friends jump up from the there seats and run next to me to look at my phone. " hurry up replie to her dummy" Clarke says making me hurry and the text her back.

Ohh hey Alex

I text trying to keep the conversation simple not trying not seem as excited as I am.

I just wanted to see if you wanted to hand out with me today?

You don't have to it's ok if your busy

I read the text making me and the girls squeal before quickly typing back.

I'd love to what time

Like around 4 today is that ok

Yea that's perfect

Ok I'll pick you up then we could do something fun

Sure I'll send you my address ( random address)

Ok thanks see you at 4

Ok see you at 4 can't wait

" holy shit your going to hang out with you future girlfriend" Clarke says excited for me " she basically asked you out on a date but not a date" Kendall says making everyone agree.

" she said that she will be here at 4 and it's 1 right know so we have 2 hours to do nothing then we have to get you nice and pretty for your date" Kendall say making me blush just thinking of going on a date with Alex. " it's not a date it's we're just hanging out that's it" I say turning around to go to living room trying to hide my blush.

" sure ok we all see you blushing by the way" Clarke says giggling making me blush even more and roll my eyes at them. " what ever let's watch some tv till it's time for me to get ready" i say sitting down on the couch picking up the controller turning on the tv hearing the girls walk into the living room and make there selves comfortable on the couch.

When the clock hits 2:20 the girls finally noticed that's it's time for me to get ready. They all scrambled to find me a outfit to wear while I go to the shower.

Getting out the shower putting on a over sized t-shirt with shorts. Going to sit down on the chair in front of my vanity seeing the girls already have everything they need their for me there set up.

" ok we're going to get you nice and cute for your date" Clarke says with a smile as she starts my make up " it's not a date" I grumble as I feel the small blush craw onto my cheeks.

Finishing up with my make and hair I stand up to get the clothes that are on  the bed there waiting for me to put on.

Walking into the bathroom putting on my clothes fixing up my hair putting on deodorant and some of my favorite vanilla perfume. I walk out of the bathroom and into the room only to get whistles from the girls making me blush.  

" you look good let's take a group picture" Kendall says as we all walk up to my full body mirror taking pictures. " ok let me check the time it's 4 on point Alex should be here any minute" she says on point we all here the doorbell ring.

Loving you / alycia Debnam-Carey x reader Where stories live. Discover now