Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street

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"Is there a number we can call for you?"

"Do you have cancer?"

"She probably ran away"

"Looking like that?"

You and the boys were standing looking at the scared girl on the couch in Mike's basement. She had brown eyes and her hair was shaved off. She was wearing a large yellow shirt and she kept getting scared by the thunder outside. You couldn't leave her out in the storm, so Mike had the idea to bring her to his house.

"Is that blood?" Lucas asked. He reached down to her shirt where there was a bloodstain but Mike slapped his hand away.

"Stop it, you're freaking her out!"

"She's freaking me out!" he said back.

"I bet she's deaf" Dustin said. He slapped his hands in front of her face and she flinched.

"Not deaf" he shrugged.

"Idiot" you rolled your eyes at him.

"That's enough alright? She's just scared and cold" Mike said.

He went over to a laundry basket and came back with a sweater and sweats which he handed to her. She brought the clothes to her cheek and felt the cloth on her skin, which you and the guys found kinda weird. She then sat up and started to take off her shirt.

"No! No! No!"

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god"

You and Mike reached out and covered her again with her shirt but Lucas and Dustin freaked and turned to not look.

"Jesus" you said.

"That's a bathroom right there, privacy" Mike said.

She went in but she didn't allow Mike to close the door.

"You don't want it closed?"

"No" she said.

"Oh so you can speak" he smiled.

You raised your eyebrows and looked at Lucas and Dustin. Who is this girl?

"How 'bout I leave it just like this? Is that better" he left the door open just about three inches.


As she changed you and the boys were talking about this strange girl.

"This is crazy" you told them.

"At least she can talk" Mike said.

"She said "no" and "yes", your three-year-old sister says more" Lucas said. "There's something seriously wrong with her, like, wrong in the head"

"She just went like..." Dustin threw his arms over his head knocking his cap off, intimidating the girl taking off her shirt.

"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst" you said staring at the bathroom door.

"From where?" Lucas asked you confused. 

"The nuthouse in Kerley County" you told him.

"You got a lot of family there?" Dustin asked smiling.

"Bite me"

"That would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy" Lucas said.

"Why she went ... " Dustin moved his hand outward agin.

"She's an escapee is the point. She's probably a lunatic" Lucas said.

"Like Michael Myers" you nodded.

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