Chapter Seven: The Bathtub

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Note: This ones also super long (they're all long) so get comfyyy

You were in the bathroom with El, cleaning her dirty face with a wet paper towel.

"That's better" you told her.

She looked at the mirror and ran a hand on her shaved head.

"You don't need the wig" you told her.

"Still pretty?" she asked.

"Yeah, really pretty" you smiled at her.

Mike came in through the door and you turned El around to show him.

"Pretty, right Mike?" you asked him.

"Yeah! Pretty, really pretty" he said.

You smiled, you thought it was cute how much he liked her.

You saw how Mike was looking at El and noticed they were having a moment so you left them alone. You went back inside the basement with Dustin.

"Do you think Lucas is still mad?" you asked Dustin sitting down.

"I dunno, he probably went out to find the gate like he said" Dustin said sitting beside you.

Right after he said that, the walkie talkie on the table started to give out static and your heard a rushing of Lucas's voice. You exchanged a look with Dustin and you reached the walkie.

"Lucas are you there? Over" you spoke into the speaker.

He kept yelling at the walkie but there wasn't that great of a signal. As you kept trying to reach him, Dustin went to get Mike and El.

"Lucas we can't hear you!" you shouted.

"What's he saying?" Mike said coming in the room.

"I don't know, he's way out of range" you said.

"Bad men ... Eleven ...son of a bitch!" you heard him said.

"Lucas slow down, we can't understand you" you told him.

"They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! " you could hear him say.

"Bad men!" you told Mike and Dustin.

"Wait here" he told El.

You and the boys ran up the stairs to the living room. You went over to the window and pulled the drapes open. You saw a Hawkins Power and Light van just across the street. There was a man beside the van watching the house.

"You don't think he's ..." Dustin said. You gave him a worried look, he was here for El.

Mike ran into the kitchen to talk to his mom, but you and Dustin kept looking out the window. Suddenly, three or five more of the same vans parked right outside the house.

"Oh shit!" you said.

You and Dustin ran from the window to the kitchen.

"Mike!" you shouted.

He finally turned from his mom to you.

"We need to leave, right now" you told him.

His eyes widened and ran off with your guys to go to the basement to get El. You ran out of the back of the house and hopped on your bikes. When you got on the street, you saw a group of the bad men walking towards you. The leader, a tall white haired guy was staring at Eleven.

"Go, go, go!" Dustin shouted.

You and the boys started pedaling and the bad men ran back to their vans to chase you. You were pedaling super fast down the street.

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