Chapter Eight

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Summer's Pov
My heavy set of eyes stared at my phone for a moment debating on calling my mom, at least I know deep down in her heart she would be more happy then anything.

At least in a sense she would stop bugging me. One of her wishes was coming true about a grandparent, now all I needed was her other wish marriage just the thought almost made me puke.

Or maybe it was just the baby brewing in me. I finally after a long while of just resting on my bed staring at my phone, I scooped it up pressing on her contact waiting, letting it ring and fill the air a couple times before it went straight to voicemail, with a heavy sigh I started leaving her a voicemail.

"Hey mom... You know this is the first time I totally call you by free will and you don't answer, I guess we can have a better discussion when you answer but one of your wishes came true I am pregnant so you'll have a grandkid in less than eight months now, but we can have a proper talk about it whenever you answer the phone."

Once the voicemail ended I placed my phone to the side snuggling up to my pillows taking in my own scent that relaxed me.

It was a strange but almost pleasant feeling in a way, I never imagined a life growing inside me and yet it was. I wasn't too positive but I knew laying there in dark wasn't gonna do me much good, I was half way sitting up when my phone went off. I was half expecting it to be my mom but I then scooped up my phone answering it balancing it between my shoulders.

"Hello? Oh it's you Dojin didn't recognize the number." I answered with a small chuckle a little relaxing a little.

"Sorry I'm calling from a work number, couldn't really sleep cause I was worrying about you, we really need to talk about last week but as well the future." I fluttered my eyes a couple times trying to call last week.

"You mean about me yelling at you and that omega last week, I half feel bad I was already in a bad mood, and his yelling wasn't helping. I don't really care if you help others out." I chuckled quietly but I focused my eyes back onto the window of my apartment looking out of it.

The sound of passing cars actually relaxing me. "No, not just that, I already knew you were in a bad mood, but the other parts of what the doctor said sort of hit me. She said said we were mates, you aren't just pregnant but we are mates." A couple blinks to my eyes.

"I'm gonna be honest I totally forget she said that. " I laughed nervously my free hand coming out to run at the back of my head a few short times.

"What would you like to do with that information Dojin?" I was so used to making one sided decisions about well basically everything in my life, but this was the one time I also needed someone's else's thoughts, yet it was so hard to tell what he was thinking under his demeanor.

"I don't mind having you as a mate, like I've told you and a few of my friends you don't annoy me, you actually make me laugh and all, and I care about you Summer." I tried to hide the little smile that was making its way over my lips a little my eyes now facing the bed sheets a bit.

"That means a lot from you, cold alpha." A small little moment of laughter was shared.

"I'm not gonna lie I heard the pregnancy is gonna be really long and all, plus you need to meet my family..." Short little hums left me fluttering my eyes a couple times before I speak.

"I think I'll be okay with meeting your parents, it sucks that I can't really smoke now like I use to before when I was stressed but that just means you get to meet my side of the family when we fly to the states it's gonna be awesome." I exclaimed hearing the loudest gasp leaving him in the receiving end.

"I have to get on a plane?! That's gonna be a pain in the ass but I could visit some places, alright sounds like a deal. I'm also taking you shopping no questions asked." A heavy sigh left my parted lips, while I chuckled keeping my phone balanced between my shoulders my free hand rubbing at my forehead a few times. "Guess I can really disagree and protest like I use to can I hmm?"

"Nope not really no."

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