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Damon got a haircut and trimmed his beard; he changed into his tuxedo and was looking sharp and handsome. Like a celebrity, Lena’s dress complimented her perfect figure, she never dressed like this as, she couldn’t afford a dress like that. She was looking gorgeous; the hairstylist perfectly styled her hair for the evening, wearing high heels and the matching jewelry, when Lena came in front of Damon, he was stunned by her beauty. Lena blushed which made her look even beautiful. The couple matched evenly. Lena was even stunned to see Damon as well as he was always wearing hoodies and jeans, but the tuxedo showed off his aesthetic physique. Damon said “You are looking very beautiful tonight, why don’t you dress like this often?”

Lena while blushing replied “Thanks, but I don’t like wearing revealing attires, but if you say so, I’ll wear them for you.” Lena’s dress was beautiful side slit strapless gown, but it also showed some of her cleavage and legs. But attires like these were common in the society which held these parties. The couple sat in the car and drove to the party. At the party many celebrities and influential personalities were arriving, the town hall had been decorated according to the party, there was champagne, and slow music. Many delicious dishes and cuisines were prepared for the guests. The party held many high-profile people. Alonso arrived at the party in his Rolls Royce, accompanying him was an Italian actress. After a while a yellow Lamborghini stopped at the entrance, the couple Damon and Lena stepped out of the car, all the paparazzi took pictures of them. Alonso almost didn’t recognized Damon, as he looked quite different from his usual self. After greeting Damon Alonso inquired about the beautiful companion Damon brought. Damon introduced Lena to Alonso, who also admired and complimented Lena’s beauty.

The girls around the party were checking out Damon and the men checked out Lena. The Mayor also greeted Damon and complimented him on his looks as well as his beautiful companion. Alonso introduced Damon to many people, he introduced Damon as his departed business partner’s son. Alonso also hinted that Damon might take over the business in the future. Many ladies became envious of Lena, as they were jealous to see her beside a young and handsome man like Damon.

After talking to the guests Lena walked out on the terrace of the building, she held a glass of champagne and looked at the view from the terrace. Damon joined her there “Hey, what are you doing here? Are you not enjoying the party?” inquired Damon. “No, I am enjoying the party, but I don’t like surrounded by so many people, that’s why I came here, the view here is amazing.” Replied Lena. “Well even I don’t like being surrounded by so many people, in fact I don’t know when was the last time I was amidst this much crowd.” Said Damon while standing next to Lena. “Thank you, Damon, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be standing here among the high society of this city, I always wanted to see such a party, but I am a crime journalist, and in my line of work we don’t attend parties like these. Plus, you need to be invited to such a party. And I couldn’t afford a dress and all the accessories along with it, thank you so much.”

Damon said “Its ok, I was going to get bored anyway, but your company is far better than the whole crowd inside, I like talking and spending time with you, and those accessories, don’t worry about them, you look beautiful even without them.” Lena and Damon looked at each other, both leaned their head, eyes closed and were about to kiss when suddenly they heard gunshots from inside. Both rushed back inside and saw people gathered around by thugs, the couple was also taken hostage by a thug. All the guards were disarmed and taken hostage as well. Alonso and The Mayor as well were taken hostage. A mysterious man in a hooded cloak appeared before the crowd, he held a box. The man walked on the stage.

The thugs surrounded the building of the town hall. The police were alerted and in a couple of minutes a platoon of police vehicles surrounded the building. But the police were unable to do anything, as there were many high profile and influential people taken hostage inside, and if anything goes wrong all their lives will be on the police’s hands.
The hooded man said “Behold, bow down in the name of Satan, the all-mighty king of hell, those who follow me in the name of Satan, and those who wish to follow me, come and stand behind me.” Many of the people in the crowd, which were influential and political went behind the man. The remaining people were shocked to see their friends following some maniac. “The rest of you, shall be sacrificed in the name of Satan, which will bless us with ultimate strength and power, and fulfil our desires.” These words created a state of panic among the people, everyone feared for their lives except for Damon. who was angry and helpless. If the people he loved and cared for weren’t there he would’ve wiped the man and the thugs without breaking a sweat, but he couldn’t risk getting anyone hurt or killed because of him.
The hooded man was none other than Juan Rodriguez. He revealed himself and the people feared even more, as they have also heard stories of his ruthlessness. The Mayor was among the people who stood their ground, this surprised Damon as he judged the mayor to be one of the followers of Juan. Juan asked one of his thugs to bring the mayor on the stage. The mayor was brought on the stage by a thug. Juan opened the box, and for the first time ever, revealed the artifact. It was a stone, about the size of human heart. The stone was red in color, it had strange markings etched on it, the stone had a triangular shaped hole in the center.

The room was surrounded by almost twenty thugs, which held machine guns, Damon was standing next to Alonso and Lena. Lena held Damon’s arm tightly. Alonso whispered in Damon’s ear “You have to do something, otherwise he will kill the mayor.” Damon replied whispering “I want to kill this bastard, wish I could do anything, I don’t want to risk any innocent life.” Alonso understood the situation. Juan took out a large Dagger. He asked his thugs to lie the mayor down, they ripped opened his shirt. Juan wanted to carve the inverted pentagram on the chest of the mayor, and after that would slit his throat.

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