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Damon sat at the dining table which, in a couple of seconds was filled with the most delicious dishes. He ate the breakfast and then asked to leave. When he was leaving a chauffeur drove a BMW 7 series in front of him, the chauffeur opened the back door for him, as Damon was sitting in his gaze fell upon on a yellow car in the distance. He asked the chauffeur what was that car. The chauffeur told him it was a Lamborghini Aventador.
Damon walked towards the car, he looked it from all the sides and asked the chauffeur to bring him the key to it. The chauffeur did as Damon said. Alonso instructed his servants and his butler to obey everything Damon told them to do. Damon unlocked the car, the car’s door opened upwards, scissors doors as they were called. Damon sat at the driving seat, he asked the chauffeur for its controls and systems. The chauffeur explained everything to Damon very carefully.

Damon started the car, the engine roared loudly as it was a super car with a V 12 engine and 730 horsepower. Damon had driven a car before, but he had never driven a car such as this. At first, he slowly navigated the car out of the villa and on the road, after driving around for a while he started accelerating the car and the car dashed on the road. The thrill and the excitement Damon felt while driving was nothing he had ever felt before.

Soon in a couple of minutes Damon arrived at his building. He parked the car in the garage and went upstairs to his penthouse. When he entered his house, he received a call from Alonso. “Enjoying the beast? Keep it, it’s yours from now on, and remember don’t worry about damaging it, there is plenty where that came from, you have fun with it.”

Damon refused and asked to buy it instead but Alonso told him it is a gift for him, and hanged up the phone.
Damon smiled and went to take a shower. After taking a shower he thought about what Alonso said about the scarecrow last night. He felt maybe Alonso was right about using this power for a greater good, but quickly dismissed the idea. Damon decided to take a walk downtown as he usually stayed in his penthouse or went to visit Alonso. Damon wore a casual t shirt and jeans; he wore a long coat and a beanie.
Damon walked around downtown looking at the shops and the people around him, he saw a coffee shop in the distance and decided to have coffee. He went in and bought a cup of coffee. He took the coffee and came out of the shop and walked back towards his home. As he was walking, he was enjoying his coffee as well. Suddenly someone bumped into him and he spilled the coffee onto himself.

The coffee spilled onto Damon’s coat and his hand. The coffee was hot and burnt Damon’s hand a little. “Watch where you are going.” Said Damon in a furious tone. The person that bumped into him was following someone and after bumping into Damon, lost the tail. That person turned around to apologize to Damon, it was a girl. Damon held himself back as, he was going to scold the person but seeing it was a woman held his words in his mouth. “I am so sorry, I spilled your coffee, I was in a hurry. I accidently bumped into you. Please let me buy you another coffee.” The girl said.

Damon refused but, the girl insisted and he agreed. They both went back in the coffee shop and the girl asked Damon to sat there and have coffee. She ordered two cups, one for herself as well. The girl had a camera hanged around her neck, she was wearing a cap, a long coat which looked old, she was wearing a black sweater and blue jeans. “My name is Lena; I am a journalist for the local newspaper. What is your name? Are you new here?” She asked. “My name is Damon. Yes, I am new in this city, you really need to be careful where you walk, and you didn’t need to buy coffee for me.” Said Damon.
Lena apologized to Damon again “I am sorry Damon. So… what brings you to this city?” She attempted to change the conversation. Damon didn’t want to continue the conversation as, the years of isolation had changed him, he was not used to conversing that much. He finished his coffee and left the shop. Lena followed him and clumsily dropped her bag after catching up to Damon. Damon wanted to scold her but his gaze fell upon some photographs that fell out of Lena’s bag. There was a dead man in those photographs, on his chest, an inverted pentagram was carved with a knife or a sharp object.

Damon leaned down to pick up her bag and picture, but she picked it up before him and suspiciously walked in the other direction. Damon grabbed her arm and asked her to stop. She resisted and shouted for help, Damon pulled her closer and said “Stop shouting, or you are going to be the one in trouble here, as, you have picture of a dead guy in your bag.”

Lena seemed to understood the situation and started acting as Damon’s friend to avoid suspicion from the people who noticed her shouting before. Both started walking together and the on lookers went back to their work. Damon asked her how she got that picture and what happened to that guy.

At first, she hesitated and kept quite but after Damon threatened to go to the police, she agreed to tell him. They both sat down in a park nearby and Lena explained, “This picture was taken a few days ago by me, I am investigating this story for my newspaper, there have been some series of murders similar to these in the past couple of months. I believe there is a cult, which is responsible for these murders.”  She while showing three more pictures of dead people to Damon said “Notice, the inverted pentagram on their chests? It is a symbol of summoning evil spirits or sacrificing to Satan.”

Damon had seen this inverted pentagram before, in his hometown all those years ago he saw symbol similar to this in the Castellanos villa, he knew this symbol was related to necromancy. Lena said “I took these pictures from a crime scene, so the police know I am working for the press, but the revelation of these things to public will create disturbance in people, until the culprit is caught, I decided to pursue the story further and not to publish these, I was following someone I think might be connected to the cult or could lead me to the culprits.”

Damon asked, “The police couldn’t find anything who did this or why? It’s been a couple of months and four people are dead, why is no one caught yet? And why are you investigating this yourself? Don’t you know it’s dangerous?”
“I know it’s dangerous, but I think the police couldn’t find anything because someone with a higher political influence is involved, and Detective Dexter told me that the police department is being pressured to keep the investigation a complete secret, and the case is due for closing soon if no evidence is found. So, I am investigating myself, maybe I can find something, and I will be less conspicuous.” Lena answered. Damon asked her who was the man she was following?

“You are new in this city, this city has its own secrets, you have seen the lights and the glamour of the city but not the darker parts of it, the slums area in this city is the bitter reality of people who are forgotten and are left to die. There is so poverty and misery in that area that people die of starving and have to fight for food each day. In amidst of poverty is desperation and desperation lead to crime as well, although this city has many criminals in it but the most notorious gang is Los Desalmado, which translates to the heartless. They are the fastest rising crime syndicate in the city, their leader Juan Rodriguez gained control of the port and is the kingpin of illegal smuggling in the city.”
“Juan Rodriguez has been arrested many times over the years, but due to lack of evidence and witnesses had to be released, when the Mayor of the city neglected the slums area and its habitants, people like Juan take over and become their messiah, providing them food and money  in exchange for their services in criminal activities, the people of the slums don’t mind working for them and often lay their lives down for people like Juan, the rest who refuse to work for them, are left to survive on their own, begging for food and money until their last breath. Today Juan is still continuing his criminal activities but his political influence shields him from the police and justice.”
“I found a tip from one of my informers in the slums area that a notable ally of Juan’s syndicate has been seeing tattooing the same symbols on his and his follower’s bodies, he has been acting strange lately also, talking about following the Satan. Today I decided to follow him and was tailing him until I bumped into you. After that I lost him, so you see Mr. Damon there is more to see than meets the eye around us. Now you know what those pictures were doing in my bag.”

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