Draco Malfoy

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Draco looked into the bathroom mirror, his eyes red and puffy from all the crying that he had been doing for the past 15 minutes

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Draco looked into the bathroom mirror, his eyes red and puffy from all the crying that he had been doing for the past 15 minutes. Why was he crying? You ask. Well, let me tell you. He had a HUGE fight with his girlfriend (you), Y/n. He was forced to become a death eater by his parents, pressured him that if he didn't do it he would be killed. Of course that made him do it, even if he didn't want to. Oh, he REALLY didn't want to. He knew how much you hated his parents, and especially just Death Eaters in general. After all, they were the ones to kill your parents. He thought to himself that maybe, just maybe, if he explained why, you would understand and not leave him.

But that wasn't the case. When you found out, you were surprised, angry, upset...hurt. You were hurt. He absolutely hated seeing you hurt, especially if it was because of him.

You wouldn't stop screaming at him, saying all of these horrible things that you didn't really mean. He knew deep inside that you didn't mean it, and you knew it too. But you both are too stubborn and upset to mention it.

So, Draco ran to the bathroom. And you, of course, ran to your dorm and cried. You knew he didn't want to become what he did, you knew he hated them just as much as you, you KNEW he would have died if he didn't accept it. So why were you angry? Why were you so upset that he became one when he didn't even want it?

Maybe you weren't angry at him at all. Maybe you were angry at yourself because you weren't there for him. Or maybe you were angry at the world, at the very people who forced him into a life that he didn't want.

Either way, you knew you were going to have to confront him about it again. Once you both calm down, of course. The next time you would talk about it, you would engulf him into a tight hug, telling him that everything was going to be okay, telling him that no matter what happened, you would always be there by his side. That you would always love him. Your love for him would never change. But, all of this will happen when you're mind isn't clouded with so many hateful emotions.

First one on this book, feeling anxious 😩

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