Tom Riddle

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(Credit to calcyon  for letting me use the prompt)

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(Credit to calcyon  for letting me use the prompt)

"I would advise you to stop the bad thing that you are doing." The girl said through heavy breaths as she stood in front of the boy in the Room of Requirement, her hand with the wand raised in his direction, a hand partially on her knee as she tried catching her breath. She did just run from her dorm room in the Slytherin house all the way to where the hidden room was.

The boy looked up from whatever the fuck he was doing (surely the thing that was bad), and he was utterly confused. How had she found this place? The fuck? It was also kind of shocking. He turned around to look at the girl, "What are you doing here?"

The girl smirked, her breath had finally caught up to her and she stood up straight, her wand still pointing into his direction, "coming here to kill you before you have a chance of killing my friends, what the hell else does it look like you prat?" She acted as if he was an idiot or something.

The boy rolled his eyes, bitch was trying to act tough but she could see a hint of fear inside of them. Not because she was, like, the smartest witch in Hogwarts, but because he wasn't done making the things that were supposed to split his soul and make him powerful as fuck. So Y'know he was basically powerless against her in his eyes. But he tried to act as tough as he could, keeping up his façade that the girl could see right through, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The girl also rolled her eyes, her smirk dropping as her eyes narrowed, "you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, Riddle." She stepped closer to him, her wand coming closer and closer to his throat. Tom's wand was nowhere near where he was, so Y'know, no wand for him.

Riddle gulped, his eyes trained on hers as he tried to ignore the wand that was pointed against his throat, "why does it matter to you anyways? You're a pureblood Slytherin, those mudbloods shouldn't matter to you, L/n."

Y/n laughed, her normal bright blue eyes turned a cold blue, and she kicked his knees, knocking him to the floor and her wand now aimed at his head. Her smirk back on her face.

Now, Tom didn't exactly find this situation amusing at all. I mean, no one in his situation would. He was of course still a bit scared, but mostly irritated at the fact that the brat was interrupting his little plan of splitting his soul and gaining power. When he looked up, he could see that she was amused by this situation. His eyes narrowed slightly, "what could possibly be amusing to you right now?" It was a valid question.

Y/n laughed again, "I always thought you'd be the one with the wand to my head. Interesting how things work themselves out."

"Now what makes you think that I'd put a wand to your head?" Tom questioned.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I thought you'd be more prepared for my arrival and would kill me right away considering that I would be trying to foil your plans and also the fact that I'm sticking up for every muggleborn in existence and also because you want power and you wouldn't want anything to stand in your way, and not to mention that I also thought you'd be on your third horcrux by now but clearly you're only on your second." She explained.

Tom sighed, "maybe if you would have just given me a little bit more TIME, maybe I WOULD have made my third horcrux already, love."

"Hey, woah, woah, woah there, Tommy boy. We aren't THAT close for you to be calling me Love." Y/n chuckled.

Tom's eyebrows raised at the sound of the nickname, "so you're allowed to call me "Tommy boy" but I'm not allowed to call you Love? How does that work?"

"Well for one, it's because "Tommy" is still technically your name, and two, "Love" is what you would call a best friend, or more so a lover, dumbass." She pointed out.

Tom's fear went away as he realized he could maybe distract her for a bit longer, "well, we might as well become close then, shall we?"

Y/n paused for a moment before realizing what he was trying to do, "Oi! Shut it, you prat. I know you're just trying to distract me." Her grip tightening on her wand.

"Well, it's working isn't it?" He smirked.

"No, no its not." She sighed.

"Oh really?" His eyebrow raised.

"Avada Kadavra!" She yelled.

His body fell to the ground with a thud.

"I told you, idiot."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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